Thanks for the reply. This kind of feedback really helps us improving our products.
Regarding TGM I just don’t get what you mean. Why should I rename TGM to be just compatible with authors not updating their themes (I typically try to contact them, when such thing occurs)? I’m not sure about this idea, as it would promote authors not keeping their libs up to date.
As you know the WP ecosystem is quite large and there are a lot of possible combinations of plugins and themes. This makes it sometimes really hard (and annoying) to keep the plugin compatible.
Regarding your bugs:
(I think you are speaking about the pro version.)
the handle for the slider doesn’t show if you use the one under the image
In the last version we introduced some more subtle (hover) mode. Maybe this just don’t works as we expected it to work. So we will probably revert this.
If you still have a demo for this, you also can send me a link (adrian [at] adrian-moerchen.de), as sometimes this also happens through some other plugins CSS (some really bring some very generic CSS with them).
the visual Shortcode maker’s dropdown doesn’t work
Oh thanks, there is really something wrong. I wonder why no one (inclusive me) hasn’t encountered this before.
A quick fix that worked for me:
.select2-drop {
z-index: 170008;
The Handle on overlay “chases” the mouse.
You are right, this wasn’t obviously to me as I favor the “under the image mode”. I will have a look, so hopefully this can be improved.
I remember an issue with X and that I contacted the author about this. But I’m currently not sure what it was (I don’t know their shortcode generator either, so I’m not aware of this issue, but we really can’t support every theme out there).