Imsanity does two things when it resizes an image. 1) it resizes the actual image file. and 2) it updates the width/height metadata which is in the wp_meta table.
Imsanity doesn’t look at your files to determine what needs to be re-sized. It only looks at the metadata in the Wordpres wp_meta table. So – if the same images keep showing up again and again, then it means that the wp_meta table is not being updated with the new width/height.
The thing is that I cannot seem to reproduce this error on my own servers and so I don’t know why it is happening. To fix it, any debugging or troubleshooting you could do might be helpful.
For one thing – if you FTP to your server and look at one of those first 250 files – perhaps see if the file itself has been resized. That would mean the file resizing is working, but the database updating is not. If the file hasn’t been resized at all then that means none of it is working.
Looking in the Javascript console while bulk resize is running may show some error that is happening as well. That might provide a clue.
Also – you can do all of these tests with just 1 single image selected. That makes it faster and is easier to watch 1 single image, rather than trying to keep track of 250.
Thanks for any help that anybody can provide.