Same Box Height
I selected enable box same height but how do I identify the box height? It seems to be random and the box goes well below my content.
Hello ,
It’s not random, actually same height js is detect a box which one has taken highest content inside, then it’s figure out that box height.
And then finally this height is automatically added on every box.
If you are still having issues with same height please copy and past this amend into the file template > content.php and it will resolve the issue for same height boxes as well as with images.
$post_type = “colorbox_panels”;$AllColorbox = array( ‘p’ => $WPSM_Colorbox_ID, ‘post_type’ => $post_type, ‘orderby’ => ‘ASC’);
$loop = new WP_Query( $AllColorbox );while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post();
//get the post id
$post_id = get_the_ID();$Colorbox_Settings = unserialize(get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘Colorbox_Settings’, true));
$option_names = array(
“colorbox_sec_title” => “yes”,
“show_colorbox_title_icon” => “1”,
“show_colorbox_title_icon_align” => “left”,
“colorbox_radius” => “yes”,
“enable_colorbox_border” => “yes”,
“colorbox_shadow” => “yes”,
“colorbox_same_height” => “no”,
“colorbox_masonry” => “yes”,
“box_layout” => 6,
“colorbox_title_bg_clr” => “#e8e8e8”,
“colorbox_title_icon_clr” => “#000000”,
“colorbox_desc_bg_clr” => “#ffffff”,
“colorbox_desc_font_clr” => “#000000”,
“show_colorbox_desc_align” => “left”,
“title_size” => “18”,
“des_size” => “16”,
“font_family” => “Arial”,
“colorbox_styles” =>1,
“custom_css” =>””,
);foreach($option_names as $option_name => $default_value) {
${“” . $option_name} = $Colorbox_Settings[$option_name];
${“” . $option_name} = $default_value;
}$colorbox_data = unserialize(get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘wpsm_colorbox_data’, true));
$TotalCount = get_post_meta( $post_id, ‘wpsm_colorbox_count’, true );
<?php if($colorbox_sec_title == ‘yes’ ) { ?>
<h2 style=”margin-bottom:20px ;display:block;width:100%;margin-top:10px”><?php echo get_the_title( $post_id ); ?> </h2>
<?php } ?>
echo $custom_css; ?>
<div style=”display:block;overflow:hidden;width:100%;”>
<div id=”colorbox_main_container_<?php echo $post_id; ?>” style=”colorbox_main_container”>
foreach($colorbox_data as $colorbox_single_data)
$colorbox_image = $colorbox_single_data[‘colorbox_image’];
$colorbox_title = $colorbox_single_data[‘colorbox_title’];
$colorbox_desc = $colorbox_single_data[‘colorbox_desc’];
$colorbox_title_icon = $colorbox_single_data[‘colorbox_title_icon’];
$enable_single_icon = $colorbox_single_data[‘enable_single_icon’];
<div class=” wpsm_col-md-<?php echo $box_layout; ?> wpsm_col-sm-6 colorbox_singel_box”>
<div class=”wpsm_panel wpsm_panel-default wpsm_panel_default_<?php echo $post_id; ?> “>
if(preg_match(‘/\S+/’,$colorbox_image)) { ?>
<div class=”wpsm_panel-body”>
<?php echo do_shortcode($colorbox_image); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($show_colorbox_title_icon != ‘4’ )
{ ?>
<div class=”wpsm_panel-heading”>
<h3 class=”wpsm_panel-title”>
<?php if($show_colorbox_title_icon == ‘1’ || $show_colorbox_title_icon==3 )
<span style=”margin-right:6px;” class=”fa <?php echo $colorbox_title_icon; ?>”></span>
if($show_colorbox_title_icon == ‘1’ || $show_colorbox_title_icon==2 )
{ echo $colorbox_title; } ?></h3>
</div> <?php } ?>
if(preg_match(‘/\S+/’,$colorbox_desc)) { ?>
<div class=”wpsm_panel-body”>
<p><?php echo do_shortcode($colorbox_desc); ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($colorbox_masonry==”yes”) { ?>
jQuery(‘#colorbox_main_container_<?php echo $post_id; ?>’).masonry({
itemSelector: ‘.colorbox_singel_box’
<?php } ?>
<?php if($colorbox_same_height==”yes”) { ?>
var col = new jColumn();
col.jcolumn(‘wpsm_panel_default_<?php echo $post_id; ?>’);
</script><!– ********************************************* this script has been added to sort out the problems with the same height option? –>
<script>;( function( $, window, document, undefined )
‘use strict’;var $list = $( ‘#colorbox_main_container_<?php echo $post_id; ?>’ ),
$items = $list.find( ‘.wpsm_panel’ ),
setHeights = function()
$items.css( ‘height’, ‘auto’ );var perRow = Math.floor( $list.width() / $items.width() );
if( perRow == null || perRow < 2 ) return true;for( var i = 0, j = $items.length; i < j; i += perRow )
var maxHeight = 0,
$row = $items.slice( i, i + perRow );$row.each( function()
var itemHeight = parseInt( $( this ).outerHeight() );
if ( itemHeight > maxHeight ) maxHeight = itemHeight;
$row.css( ‘height’, maxHeight );
$( window ).on( ‘resize’, setHeights );
$list.find( ‘img’ ).on( ‘load’, setHeights );})( jQuery, window, document );
<!– ********************************************* this script has been added to sort out the problems with the same height option? –>
<?php } ?>
echo “<h3> No Colorbox Found </h3>”;
endwhile; ?>
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