Okay, but come to think of it, it will open some more questions for you.
Okay, I’ll explain here what we try to achieve, and not open other tickets or threads, unless you want me to:
What we had before:
– markers in different categories [say: stories, images, hotels, restaurants, and more]
– layers for different countries and continents and world [per category!]
– countries and continents inherit from the world layer for that category
We then would enter markers on the world-hotel-layer. When I then want to show only hotels in Belgium, it could mesh up with some hotels showing on the border, or when somebody shifts the map around [you would see al the markers]
– only a few layers on which you make the markers
– other layers inherit, and you cannot mix up things when you make new markers, as the inherit layers are not visible in the assign dropdown.
– not really possible to show only those markers for that country
So I thought [wronly] that I could solve it by duplicating markers to different layers.
What we have now:
– markers in different categories [say: stories, images, hotels, restaurants, and more]
– layers for different countries and continents and world [per category!]
– world inherits from continents, continents inherit from countries.
this works, as I want to show for example only hotels in Belgium.
– can show markers per category for a country
– a huge layer list, and very difficult to navigate. When making a new marker, the assign dropdown list is also huge: one layer for each category for each country.
It would be nice if you could make something to group the layers. Maybe with some fancy hide and show triangular icons? Any ideas?
Adventurous greetings,