• I know the topic is confusing, but here is my problem:

    I have two different posts in the same category.

    The posts are PostA and PostB in CategoryX

    PostA was posted first in CategoryX and then PostB was posted in CategoryX.

    Whenever I go to the permalink of PostA all I see is PostB…I can’t find PostA on my site…although I can still manage it.

    Here are the actual URL’s if it helps:

    should start with, “The standard size of a business card…”

    Then this page:

    Should start with, “For many years business cards…”

    For some reason only the first post is shown, and it is shown for both posts.

    I don’t know if it is because of the category (named Basics) or a plugin or theme…any help is greatly appreciated.



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  • Thread Starter ocsupertones


    I just tried disabling all my plugin’s one by one and nothing changed.

    Then I tried changing my theme to a standard them…it worked!

    Is there any way to try to reverse engineer the them I have to get it to work?



    Thread Starter ocsupertones


    Unless there is a fix, I am going to downgrade to 1.5.2

    I know it is stable with the 3 column theme I want to use.

    The only noticable difference I have used is the backup feature…

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