satorii theme header problem
Hello Folks,
I am building a new blog and i have decided to use Satorii theme. The problem is about header. I want to fix header image and links. you can see clearly what i mean. ??
css code is here
/* THEME NAME: Satorii THEME URI: DESCRIPTION: A minimalist theme with a strong focus on content VERSION: 1.0 AUTHOR: <a href="">Felipe Lavin</a> AUTHOR URI: TAGS: one-column, white, light, microformats */ @import url(css/reset-fonts-grids.css); @import url(css/base-min.css); body{ text-align:left; color:#555; font-family:'Liberation Sans',FreeSans,'Helvetica Neue LT Std','Helvetica LT Std',Helvetica,Arial,Tahoma,'Lucida Grande','Lucida Sans',sans-serif; } a,.entry-content a em,.entry-content a strong,.entry-content em a,.entry-content strong a{color:#06c;outline:none !important;} a:hover{color:#f30;} ul li{list-style-type:square;} .fw{width:100% !important;float:none;} .skip-link{ display:none; } #header,#access{ width:80%; padding:1em 10%; } h2.entry-title,#blog-title a,,h3.entry-title{ font-family: 'ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std','URW Gothic L','Century Gothic', 'Avant Garde', 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif; } #blog-title{ margin-bottom:0.35em; } #blog-title a{ color:#000; font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none; font-size:197%; } #blog-description{ font-size:77%; color:#868F83; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:0.15em; } #access{ text-align:center; } #menu ul{ overflow:hidden; text-align:center; } #menu li{ display:inline; padding:1em 2em; border-left:1px solid #BBC1BC; line-height:2.2; } #menu li:first-child{ border-left:none; } #menu li a{ color:#868F83; text-decoration:none; font-size:138.5%; } #menu li a:hover{ color:#555; } .post,#content .page{ clear:both; margin:1em auto 3em; overflow:hidden; width:50em; } /*sticky posts*/ .sticky{ border:solid #eee; border-width:5px 0; padding-bottom:0.8em; } .sticky h2.entry-title a{ font-weight:bold; text-transform:uppercase; } .sticky .entry-content{color:#333} h2.entry-title,h3.entry-title{ margin-bottom:0.5em; color:#000; font-size:161%; font-weight:normal; } h3.entry-title{ font-size:138.5%; } h2.entry-title a,h3.entry-title a{ color:#000; text-decoration:none; } h2.entry-title a:hover,h3.entry-title a:hover{ border-bottom:2px solid #000; 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