• Resolved simonphemp


    Hi. I’ve activated plugin, inserted Security Credentials (Key ID and Secret Key) 100% correctly, but when I save settings, other options remain unselectable.

    I’ve also tried to enable this plugin under POST, but when I check ENABLE AMAZON POLY” and save it, It does not save as ENABLED..

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Does it say ‘Please verify your AWS Credentials are accurate’ still in other options?

    Thread Starter simonphemp


    Yes it does. I registered to Amazon AWS so security credentials should be the right ones.

    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Did you try to check in log files if there are some errors messages?

    Thread Starter simonphemp


    Yes I checked log files but there are no new error messages..

    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    :/ Could you send me a screenshots? I haven’t seen this kind of problem before to be honest.

    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Hi @simonphemp,
    The problem might be connected with autofilling of some input fields with other values by the browser. Could you try to install the latest version of the plugin (1.0.6), and try again, making sure that the browser doesn’t change what you type? (perhaps in incognito mode).


    Hi Tomaz

    I have similar issue.. It worked first time .. 55 posts all worked,, text to speech converted, able to play on the site on S# able to see the mp3s, but after last update.

    The setting tab under wordpress admin kee asking ”
    Please verify your AWS Credentials are accurate”

    I did open incongnito and tried again, but same ..

    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Hmmmm…. Trying to figur out how I could replicate it, so I could see what’s the problem. Which browser and OS are you using? Are you 100% sure, that IAM policy which you are using is correct? (it has changed in one of previous releases).


    Hi Tomaz

    Im checking what went wrong. Im using Chrome and Win10.

    Below is the comparison both policies version old and new( taken from installation tab on plugin page today)

    A OLD that worked for a while

    “Version”: “2012-10-17”,
    “Statement”: [
    “Sid”: “Permissions1”,
    “Effect”: “Allow”,
    “Action”: [
    “Resource”: “*”
    “Sid”: “Permissions2”,
    “Effect”: “Allow”,
    “Action”: [
    “Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::audio_for_wordpress*”

    B – New that i just update based on Installation tap on plugin page

    “Version”: “2012-10-17”,
    “Statement”: [
    “Sid”: “Permissions1”,
    “Effect”: “Allow”,
    “Action”: [
    “Resource”: “*”
    “Sid”: “Permissions2”,
    “Effect”: “Allow”,
    “Action”: [
    “Resource”: [“arn:aws:s3:::audio_for_wordpress*”,”arn:aws:s3:::audio-for-wordpress*”]

    Hi Tomas, case closed, there was issues with autsave in chrome. somehow after last udpate the secret key got replaced. now works thanks !


    Thread Starter simonphemp


    Hi guys,
    I’m using MACOSX and Chrome browser.

    I’ve tried to insert credentials in the incognito tab but problem still remains.

    I checked 5 times inserting access key and secred key..

    Can I contact you to your email, so I can send you login to our WP?

    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    @alexxha – great! Btw. we will be grateful for small review of the plugin ?? https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/amazon-polly/reviews/

    @simonphemp – let’s move to mail: stachlew @ amazon . com – (but please don’t send me login credentials).


    @tstachlewski I have created Keys and added in the Plugins Settings Page twice time but that still i am seeing “Please verify your AWS Credentials are accurate”.

    I assumed, may i have missed any step in configuration so delete previous key and start again with first step as mentioned in WordPress installation section but no luck.

    Can you please help in resolving this issue.


    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Sorry for late answer. Can you try to open AWS Console and then open Polly service? My question is: do you see some kind of information that your account is not active, or everything is ok?


    Plugin Contributor tstachlewski


    Hi guys,
    Closing the ticket because for 99% it was connected with AWS account which was not activated. If this was not the case, please let me know – I will open it then again.

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