• Resolved njn04


    Debug Code: BMI-GrtYlGN7-83473

    save failed to 1% ,backup-log is:

    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Recherche du fichier exécutable PHP CLI.
    [WARN] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Impossible de trouver l’exécutable PHP CLI approprié, ce processus peut être instable.
    [WARN] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Le fichier PHP CLI ne peut pas être exécuté pour une raison inconnue.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Initialisation de la sauvegarde…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Version de sauvegarde et migration :1.2.7
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Site qui sera sauvegardé :https://minimal.local
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Version PHP : 8.1.9
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Version WP :6.1.1
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Version MySQL :8.0.16
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Longueur maximale de MySQL :16777216
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Serveur : Apache/2.4.43 (Win32)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Temps d’exécution maximum (en secondes) : 259200
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Nombre maximum de lignes par requête (ce site) : 2000
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Vérifier si le répertoire de sauvegarde est inscriptible…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Initialisation du gestionnaire d’erreurs personnalisé
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Ouais c’est inscriptible…
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:29] Analyse des fichiers…
    [WARN] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Ce fichier est lourd, penser à l’exclure si la sauvegarde échoue :C:\Users\jnnal\Local Sites\minimal\app\public\wp-content\backuply\backups-UwQ82Y\wp_minimal.local_2023-02-21_08-01-43.tar.gz (173.57 MB)
    [WARN] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Suppression du fichier de sauvegarde (en raison des règles de chemin) : C:\Users\jnnal\Local Sites\minimal\app\public\wp-config.php
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Vérification de l’espace libre, réservation…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Nécessite au moins 620734377 octets. [591.98 MB]
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] La fonction d‘espace libre sur le disque n‘est pas désactivée - l‘utiliser…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Vérification de chemin/partition : C:\Users\jnnal\Local Sites\minimal\app\public\wp-content*backup_path*\backups
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Il y a 246,568.20 Mo gratuit. [240.79 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Super ! Il y a suffisamment d’espace.
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Confirmé, il y a suffisamment d’espace, vérifié :620734377 octets
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Analyse terminée - Trouvé11910 fichiers…
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Sauvegarde initialisée…
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Initialisation du système d’archivage…
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Système d’archivage initialisé…
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Préparation de la carte des fichiers…
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Fichiers préparés.
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Démarrage da la procédure de compression…
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Calcul de la mémoire intelligente…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Il y a 1024 Mo de mémoire utile
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Limite de mémoire WordPress : 1024 Mo
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Définir la limite de sécurité à 230 Mo
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Utilisation du module PclZip pour créer la sauvegarde
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Réglage hérité : utilisation de modules par défaut en fonction du serveur utilisateur/utilisatrice
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Making database backup (using v3 engine, requires at least v1.2.2 to restore)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Itération de la base de données…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Memory usage after initialization: 74.10 MB
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Scan found 81 tables (74171 rows), estimated total size: 38.82 MB.
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Memory usage after getting table names: 74.14 MB
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Getting table recipes…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Table recipes have been exported.
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Memory usage after loading recipes: 74.21 MB
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Saving recipes…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Recipes saved.
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 74.16 MB
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Exporting table data…
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Getting data of table: asa (1/81, 1.52 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Table export for: asa finished (0.47909s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:30] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_actions (2/81, 5.53 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_actionscheduler_actions finished (0.46424s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_claims (3/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_actionscheduler_claims is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_groups (4/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_actionscheduler_groups finished (0.00097s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_logs (5/81, 4.50 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_actionscheduler_logs finished (0.57440s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_bounced_email_logs (6/81, 0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_bounced_email_logs is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (7/81, 0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_commentmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_comments (8/81, 0.09 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_comments finished (0.00106s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_e_events (9/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_e_events is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_evf_entries (10/81, 0.11 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_evf_entries finished (0.00321s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_evf_entrymeta (11/81, 0.11 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_evf_entrymeta finished (0.00426s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_evf_sessions (12/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_evf_sessions is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_links (13/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_links is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_litespeed_img_optm (14/81, 0.08 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_litespeed_img_optm finished (0.00468s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_litespeed_img_optming (15/81, 0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_litespeed_img_optming is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_automation_run_logs (16/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_automation_run_logs is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_automation_runs (17/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_automation_runs is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_automation_triggers (18/81, 0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_automation_triggers is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_automation_versions (19/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_automation_versions is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_automations (20/81, 0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_automations is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_custom_fields (21/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_custom_fields is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters (22/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_dynamic_segment_filters is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_feature_flags (23/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_feature_flags is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_forms (24/81, 0.02 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_forms finished (0.00081s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_log (25/81, 1.52 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_log finished (0.04048s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities (26/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table wp_mailpoet_mapping_to_external_entities is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_migrations (27/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_migrations finished (0.00132s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_links (28/81, 0.27 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_links finished (0.02588s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_option (29/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_option finished (0.00135s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields (30/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_option_fields finished (0.00159s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_posts (31/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_posts finished (0.00203s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_segment (32/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_segment finished (0.00211s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_templates (33/81, 4.52 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_newsletter_templates finished (0.05774s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_newsletters (34/81, 1.55 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_newsletters finished (0.02338s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:31] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers (35/81, 0.50 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_scheduled_task_subscribers finished (0.16021s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks (36/81, 0.81 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_scheduled_tasks finished (0.20554s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_segments (37/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_segments finished (0.00105s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_sending_queues (38/81, 4.55 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_sending_queues finished (0.05225s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_settings (39/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_settings finished (0.00214s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_bounces (40/81, 0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_mailpoet_statistics_bounces is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_clicks (41/81, 0.06 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_statistics_clicks finished (0.00348s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_forms (42/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_statistics_forms finished (0.00111s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters (43/81, 0.08 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_statistics_newsletters finished (0.00914s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_opens (44/81, 0.09 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_statistics_opens finished (0.00556s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes (45/81, 0.06 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_mailpoet_statistics_unsubscribes is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases (46/81, 0.08 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_mailpoet_statistics_woocommerce_purchases is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_stats_notifications (47/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_stats_notifications finished (0.00190s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field (48/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_mailpoet_subscriber_custom_field is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_ips (49/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_ips finished (0.00080s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_segment (50/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_segment finished (0.00124s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_tag (51/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_subscriber_tag finished (0.00120s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_subscribers (52/81, 0.14 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_subscribers finished (0.00229s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_tags (53/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_tags finished (0.00110s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_user_agents (54/81, 0.06 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_user_agents finished (0.00386s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_mailpoet_user_flags (55/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_mailpoet_user_flags finished (0.00102s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_name_directory (56/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_name_directory finished (0.00092s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_name_directory_name (57/81, 0.11 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_name_directory_name finished (0.00420s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_options (58/81, 1.55 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_options finished (0.02598s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (59/81, 3.17 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_postmeta finished (0.13354s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_posts (60/81, 1.64 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_posts finished (0.06234s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_rank_math_404_logs (61/81, 0.06 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_rank_math_404_logs finished (0.00310s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_rank_math_analytics_gsc (62/81, 3.80 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_rank_math_analytics_gsc finished (0.18216s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_rank_math_analytics_inspections (63/81, 0.23 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_rank_math_analytics_inspections finished (0.02408s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_rank_math_analytics_objects (64/81, 0.16 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_rank_math_analytics_objects finished (0.02126s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_rank_math_internal_links (65/81, 0.14 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_rank_math_internal_links finished (0.01283s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_rank_math_internal_meta (66/81, 0.02 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_rank_math_internal_meta finished (0.00258s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_rank_math_redirections (67/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_rank_math_redirections is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_rank_math_redirections_cache (68/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_rank_math_redirections_cache is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (69/81, 0.03 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_term_relationships finished (0.00274s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (70/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_term_taxonomy finished (0.00134s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (71/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_termmeta finished (0.00113s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_terms (72/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_terms finished (0.00145s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_tm_taskmeta (73/81, 0.05 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_tm_taskmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_tm_tasks (74/81, 0.03 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_tm_tasks is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (75/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_usermeta finished (0.00162s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_users (76/81, 0.06 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_users finished (0.00085s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_wpie_template (77/81, 0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_wpie_template is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_wps_cleaner (78/81, 0.05 MB)
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table export for: wp_wps_cleaner finished (0.00555s)
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_wps_cleaner_queue (79/81, 0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_wps_cleaner_queue is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_wt_mgdp_ftp (80/81, 0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_wt_mgdp_ftp is empty, saving only recipe.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Getting data of table: wp_wtmgdp_log (81/81, 0.02 MB)
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table wp_wtmgdp_log is empty, saving only recipe.
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Table data exported.
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Memory usage after data export: 74.16 MB
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Entire process took: 2.7934 s
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Sauvegarde de base de données terminée
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Faire une archive
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Compression…
    [WARN] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] La sauvegarde s’exécutera en tant que demande unique, peut être instable…
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:32] Adding database SQL file(s) to the backup file.
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:33] Database added to the backup successfully.
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:33] Performing site files backup…
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:33] Les portions contiennent 1000 fichiers.
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:34] étape :1000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:34] étape :2000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:35] étape :3000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:36] étape :4000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:36] étape :5000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:37] étape :6000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:37] étape :7000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:40] étape :8000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:42] étape :9000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:47] étape :10000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:49] étape :11000/11910
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] étape :11910/11910
    [SUCCESS] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Compressé 11910 fichiers
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Archivage de11910fichiers ont pris :21.11s
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Finalisation de la sauvegarde
    [INFO] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Ajout du manifeste…
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Fermeture des fichiers et des archives
    [END-CODE] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] #001
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Rétablissement de la sauvegarde, suppression du fichier…
    [ERROR] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Une erreur est survenue lors de la sauvegarde…
    [ERROR] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Undefined constant "BMI\Plugin\Progress\AUTH_KEY"
    [STEP] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] Abandon de la sauvegarde…
    [END-CODE] [2023-02-21 09:40:51] #002 [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Fichier téléchargé à (heure du serveur) :2023-02-21 09:41:06
    [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Dernière mise à jour (secondes) :15 il y a quelques secondes
    [TéLéCHARGEMENT GéNéRé] Dernière mise à jour (date) :2023-02-21 09:40:51

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