• Resolved Avantage


    hi i have after the previous problems happily resolved now another problem. Everything works well, only I can not create a new idea from a group. Is it possible that you look at it one more time? that would help me so. if this works does everything the way it should. I can send you anywhere an admin account?

    I really hope you can and want to help me

    warm regards,

    Bert van Duivendijk


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  • Thread Starter Avantage


    i just updated to 2.1.0 and now there are no links on the buddypress profile and also not on the groups page. Did you removed that function?

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    What do you mean by “links” ?

    Is BuddyPress integration settings on in IdeaStream settings ? Could you share screenshots so that i understand what’s going wrong with your configuration.

    And also what is the name of your theme ?

    Thread Starter Avantage


    hi Imath,

    I use KLEO theme. I have solved the problem of the link. I had to update buddy press .. Now this problem is solved, the old problem came back.

    When I go into the admin idea creation will appear just on the site. I can also link the idea to a group. The front end is then that the idea belongs to a particular group.

    If I go to the BuddyPress profile page go to the admin user then the idea is also just on the page. But if I have a page or a post production this production are also among the ideas on the buddy press page as an idea.

    When I log in as a user I can just create an idea through the idea page. This appears just in the idea archive. On the BuddyPress profile page of the user appears no idea. Also, I can not create an idea on the profile page.

    This same problem is with the group page. I get a message that there are no ideas. from the group, I can not create an idea

    Sorry for my bad english ..

    Can I send you an admin login for the site? perhaps that is easier.
    I use the plugin since the first version, and always with great pleasure.
    Thanks to your great work we have been able to create many jobs.

    I really hope I can solve this problem. The plugin is an important part of the site.

    I tried to decativeren all plugins, and I’ve tried 2012 theme. The problem remains


    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Thanks for the info. 2.1.0 required BuddyPress 2.2 you’re right.
    I’m not sure to completely understand what the problems are.

    You can send me a private message using slack (i’m imath).
    Or alternitavely you can post a comment on this post of my blog, i will delete it as soon as i get the login/pass)

    Thread Starter Avantage


    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Ok got it. I see there are some troubles with your config and your theme.

    I need to understand how your config is built. Because, i cannot see the Plugins Administration screen on the site you made me an admin of.

    So can you confirm or correct :
    1/ WordPress multisite
    2/ BuddyPress activated on the network or only on the root site or on a subsite ?
    3/ WP Idea Stream activated on the network or only on the root site or on the subsite ?

    Is there any specific constants you added into your wp-config.php or in a bp-custom.php file ?

    Is it a test site ? If so could you deactivate all plugins, activate any WordPress default theme and then re activate BuddyPress and WP Idea Stream ?
    NB: Before doing so, make sure to back up your database so that you will be able to roll back to your settings before this operation.

    Thread Starter Avantage


    Yes i confirm it is a multisite
    Buddypress and ideastream only activated on the root site

    There are no specific constants added to wp-config

    Also there is no bp-custom.php but.. KLEO theme has a buddypress directory inside. There is also a buddypress-function.php

    I did have deactived all plugins and also change the theme to default
    nothing change

    but i start a new subsite en actived KLEO theme and all the plugins en it works fine now, the root site doesn’t. its very strange.

    I go testing the rest of the day. keep you updated. Thnx for your great support.

    Thread Starter Avantage


    oke i did this tests..

    i deactived all plugins and move to default theme.
    same problem

    I start a subsite en move to KLEO Theme and also actived all plugins
    everything works fine. but stil not on the root site

    i create a fresh instal (multisite) and did the same, also the same results

    i dont get it, why can the plugin work great on a subsite and not on the root site?

    You can login and go to subsite “testomgeving” you can see it work great there.

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    I’m going to try to reproduce this config :

    BuddyPress activated on the root site (but not on the network),
    WP Idea Stream activated on the root site.

    That’s what is not working on your side, right ?

    Thread Starter Avantage


    yes thats it

    and when you create a subsite and do the same it works oke

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    I’ve reproduced the config

    BuddyPress activated on the root site (but not on the network),
    WP Idea Stream activated on the root site.

    And everything works absolutely fine for me.

    So it’s still a mystery for me to understand why it’s not the case for you…

    Do you have a mu-plugins folder with something in it ?

    The last thing i can imagine to explain why it’s not working on your config is a specific theme or plugin or script in mu-plugins hooking for instance ‘pre_get_posts’ or another hook occuring while “WP_Querying” ideas when on a BuddyPress page forcing the post type to be something else…

    Thread Starter Avantage


    hi imath

    I deleted an MU plugin and now I can at the root site from the frontend add an idea and see. on BuddyPress profile page, I can see this idea, but the buddy press group page fails it still does not.

    On the subsite https://avantage-pour-vous.nl/test/ does everything it right. So even a new idea via the buddy press group page.

    The strange thing is that the root and the subsite exactly the same. The same theme is activated and also the exact same plugins

    Do you have any idea why it is not going well at the root site and sub site it does work?

    cordial greetings

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Again it’s working for me: https://cloudup.com/c2Dgg5hQvVQ

    So it’s really weird it’s not for you.

    Can you try to deactivate BuddyPress from the administration of the root site, then re activate it from the network administration to see if that changes something.

    Thread Starter Avantage


    i just did. nothing change.

    I will try this week to create a new multi-site with a new database. Hopefully it works then.

    I’m grateful for your help. premium support! i will let you know if it is gelult.
    thanks again for your time. when I succeed, we can create new jobs again and your plugin is thereby a big help ..

    Plugin Author Mathieu Viet


    Ok i got it. Problem is fixed. I’ve managed to post an idea within a group on your site.

    The problem was due to the fact you set the action slug to a word having the first letter in uppercase.
    See full explanation here : https://avantage-pour-vous.nl/groepen/lets-do-business/ideeen/idee/fixed/

    In the next release, i’ll be more restrictive on sanitizing slugs so that this will not be possible anymore.

    Then as your theme is not including the comments template tag in his page.php template, i invite you to follow the steps in this topic : https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/idea-comments?replies=10 so that you will be able to post comments.

    Once done it should be ok ??

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