• I have created a new wp-blog on my new server. After downloading/saving all of my old wp-blog files to my pc using ws-ftp, I then deleted my old wp-blog that was on my old server. I think I did that too soon!?
    Using ftp, what files should I reload to this new site to get back my previous posts, comments, etc? Can I do this with ftp?
    Thru my wordpress cpanel, it says:
    “Please upload a valid WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) export file.”
    however I can not find any files with a WXR extention in my saved files. Am I looking for the wrong thing? Any file that I try to upload that have backup in the name will not work.
    Could someone tell me how to add my old data either using wp’s import tool or using my own ftp program?

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  • Terry


    Post, pages, comments, settings and etc are all not stored as files that are downloadable off the server through FTP – instead, they are stored into packets of data called databases. You will have to download the database of your blog and restore it later.

    The WordPress panel is referring to the possibility that you might have exported your WordPress contents (posts, pages etc) in a WXR file and requests you to reimport them to restore your blog. Since you’ve deleted the old blog, I doubt there’s anyway to recover the WXR file but you can check with your host whether do they have a backup copy.

    Alternatively, access your cPanel and download the MySQL database for your old blog, and upload it again and edit your wp-config.php accordingly.


    In a WordPress blog/site, your post content is not stored in files but is stored in a database on the server. The files contain the WordPress software and your theme and the images, but not the post content.

    You need to get a backup of your MySQL database from your old server. If the database is gone, most web hosts do make backups and should be able to get you a copy of the database backup file from which you will be creating a new database on the new server.

    You are very advised to read this:

    Yup, to publish all the comments/posts of your previous blog, you must go to your site/wp-admin/tools then go to export. Then you can download all the data of comments, posts, pages you created of your blog. Then in your new blog, go to tools again then select import. After that all will be imported in your new blog. As easy as that.

    Hope this helps..

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