• After a migration, that I took no part in, I couldn’t trace back to why ~90% of “featured images” attached to around 200 posts did not show up in the blog home.php page. Also, the Media Library thumbs for these images where not showing up. When you clicked into one of these “blank thumbnail images” to access its respective “Attachment Details” you could see that it was pointing to a good URL but was missing meta data like image type or size etc. After a variety of troubleshooting efforts (eg. switching to core theme, deactivating all plugins, refreshing core files etc.) nothing worked. Other file restoration plugins didn’t work either – or like Add from Server was only a partial fix. This particular Thumbnail restoration PLugin worked like a charm. It not only restored the media library thumbnails and meta data on about 90% of the files (over 1300 images) but also resulted in all of the 200 + posts with attached featured images working again without additional work! Thanks Again!

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