• Resolved barryseal


    Dear Wordfence Support Team,

    I am writing to seek your assistance with an issue that has arisen following a recent server migration of my website. Since the migration, I have encountered a persistent scan failure in Wordfence. The error message states: “The current scan looks like it has failed. Its last status update was 1 hour 43 minutes ago. You may continue to wait in case it resumes or stop and restart the scan. Some sites may need adjustments to run scans reliably.”

    Before the migration, Wordfence was functioning without any issues. The migration was necessitated by technical difficulties with the previous server, and all other aspects of the website appear to be functioning correctly on the new server.

    Here are some additional details that might help in diagnosing the problem:

    • Website URL: https://www.tonyfahkry.com
    • Hosting Provider: TMD
    • WordPress Version: WordPress 6.5.5
    • Wordfence Version: Version 7.11.6

    I have attempted to restart the scan multiple times without success. I suspect that the server migration might have altered some configurations that are affecting Wordfence’s ability to perform scans reliably.

    Could you please provide guidance on what adjustments might be necessary to restore the normal functionality of Wordfence scans? I have also sent a report via Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostics > “Send report by email.”

    Thank you for your assistance,


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter barryseal



    Just to add to my earlier email about a scan error in Wordfence following my site being migrated to a new server. I contacted my hosting provider regarding the issue and they replied back saying:


    Thank you for your update!

    We would like to inform you that the server where is located your website has only IPv4

    Considering this, you can ignore the provided warning for your plugin.

    Also, we have started the new WordFence scan on your website.

    Please, do not hesitate to contact us again if we could be of any further assistance!

    Best Regards,

    Vin Perez
    Technical Support Team

    Should I ignore the warning as suggested by the support team? The scan which they started on my site also reported as a failed scan.

    Thank you,


    Plugin Support wfmargaret


    Hi @barryseal,

    Thank you for reaching out. Your new server is running LiteSpeed, so please ensure that you’ve added the LiteSpeed noabort code, as LiteSpeed can cause scans to fail silently:

    Since your server only supports IPv4, you’ll also want to enable the option Use only IPv4 to start scans in Wordfence > Scan > Scan Options and Scheduling > Advanced Scan Options.

    If scans continue to fail after those adjustments, please do the following steps for me:

    • Go to the Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostics page
    • In the “Debugging Options” section check the circle “Enable debugging mode”?
    • Click to “Save Changes“.
    • CANCEL any current scan and start a NEW scan
    • Copy the last 20 lines from the Log (click the “Show Log” link) or so of the activity log once the scan finishes and paste them in this post.

    Wordfence > Tools > Diagnostic > Debugging Screenshot

    This will help me see exactly what is happening when the scan fails.

    Let me know if you have any questions!


    Thread Starter barryseal


    Hi Margaret,

    Thank you for your reply. I have enabled the option: Use only IPv4 to start scans in Wordfence > Scan > Scan Options and Scheduling > Advanced Scan Options as you suggested and forwarded your reply to my hosting provider TMD to ensure they have added the LiteSpeed noabort code to the server.

    I will get back to you once I have additional information from my hosting provider.

    Thank you once more.


    Thread Starter barryseal


    Hi Margaret,

    I contacted my hosting provider TMD and they emailed me back confirming they have successfully added the noabort code to the?.htaccess?file of my website?https://www.tonyfahkry.com/. However, it appears that another scan error has occured. Here is a the link showing the latest scan error.

    This scan also returned a scan error: “Scan Failed: The current scan looks like it has failed. Its last status update was 2 hours 27 minutes ago. You may continue to wait in case it resumes or stop and restart the scan. Some sites may need adjustments to run scans reliably. Click here for steps you can try. (opens in new tab).”

    Please advise on any further changes I need to make to Wordfence in relation to the scan errors.

    I started another scan as you suggested and I am copying the last 20 lines from the log, as per your instructions below for your reference:

    [Jul 13 15:49:46]?Scanning contents: wp/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/effect-drop.min.js (Size: 737 B Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:46]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2010/11/d58367d6b8122acc66bd1ba7dca96fe9-366×250.jpg (Size: 11.44 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:46]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Untitled-design-768×514.png (Size: 330.28 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:46]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2020/10/mario-mrad-rGG-BCtNiuo-unsplash-1300×550.jpg (Size: 45.02 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:46]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2021/03/kato-blackmore-TADIvhhIPL8-unsplash.jpg (Size: 516.18 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:47]?Scanned contents of 26259 additional files at 3.81 per second[Jul 13 15:49:47]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2014/12/jamie-street-IqLGQTGqClA-unsplash-366×250.jpg (Size: 28.3 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:47]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2018/04/find-your-why-practical-and-powe-385×360.jpg (Size: 14.66 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:47]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2016/01/7978005097_466e533236_o.jpg (Size: 418.63 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:47]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2012/04/giving-life-304×304.jpg (Size: 30.79 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:47]?Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2018/08/jake-melara-30679-unsplash.jpg (Size: 447.33 KB Mem: 48 MB)[Jul 13 15:49:48]?Forking during malware scan (12001) to ensure continuity.[Jul 13 15:49:48]?Entered fork()[Jul 13 15:49:48]?Calling startScan(true)[Jul 13 15:49:48]?Got value from wf config maxExecutionTime: 30[Jul 13 15:49:48]?getMaxExecutionTime() returning config value: 30[Jul 13 15:49:48]?Cached result for scan start test: true[Jul 13 15:49:48]?Starting cron with normal ajax at URL https://www.tonyfahkry.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wordfence_doScan&isFork=1&scanMode=custom&cronKey=3c5fd64d7ab61fb5771dbd47933ca58d&signature=4aaffd27c8892387e7a41503b5f8cb17359862a01e51d18a5a209e3558439941%5BJul 13 15:49:49]?Scan engine received request.[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Verifying start request signature.[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Fetching stored cronkey for comparison.[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Checking cronkey: 3c5fd64d7ab61fb5771dbd47933ca58d (expecting 3c5fd64d7ab61fb5771dbd47933ca58d)[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Checking saved cronkey against cronkey param[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Requesting max memory[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Setting up error handling environment[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Setting up scanRunning and starting scan[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Got a true deserialized value back from ‘wfsd_engine’ with type: object[Jul 13 15:49:49]?Scan process ended after forking.[Jul 13 15:50:04]?Entered fork()[Jul 13 15:50:06]?Calling startScan(true)[Jul 13 15:50:06]?Got value from wf config maxExecutionTime: 30[Jul 13 15:50:07]?getMaxExecutionTime() returning config value: 30[Jul 13 15:50:07]?Cached result for scan start test: true[Jul 13 15:50:07]?Starting cron with normal ajax at URL https://www.tonyfahkry.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wordfence_doScan&isFork=1&scanMode=custom&cronKey=822edb1aa19b79988299ad046805222c&signature=1b72e89b1e3839d6a968b15995f42cc5e4632c941e0c86ccb79c2306c8bb6e59%5BJul 13 15:50:08]?Scan process ended after forking.[Jul 13 18:09:06]?Calling Wordfence API v2.26:https://noc1.wordfence.com/stats.json%5BJul 13 18:09:09]?Calling Wordfence API v2.26:https://noc1.wordfence.com/v2.26/?k=2e9c3d7e9c88f8a9eba2cc625e0959e9cceaf7879d23ff646ad5e05c05985344fe3392c7d9bacbbb2398fd0504c4445fc3f625d4f96ebafc90d347a5557e4423198633fcc7530fbf74aacd0f953c

    I look forward to an update on how to fix this issue.

    Thank you,


    Plugin Support wfmargaret


    Hi @barryseal,

    Thank you for testing those adjustments! The link to your latest scan error isn’t loading for me, so please let me know if you see a different error than the Scan Failed error you sent.

    In Scan > Scan Options and Scheduling > Performance Options, set the Maximum execution time for each scan stage to 8 and run a new scan. Please let me know if the new scan makes it further or completes successfully. If it fails, please send me the last 20 lines of the scan logs.

    If possible, please also run a scan with plugins disabled. A plugin may interfere with the scan, so if a scan completes while the other plugins are disabled, please re-enable them one by one while testing the scan to determine where the conflict occurs.

    Let me know how it goes!


    Thread Starter barryseal


    Hi Margaret,

    Since my last contact with you, it seems the scans in Wordfence have been without errors anymore. I have checked it daily and have not noticed anymore errors for now, which is good.

    Also, the “Maximum execution time for each scan stage” was set to a value of 30 which I suspect had something to do with a previous scan error when I contacted support.

    So, I’ll keep an eye out for the scans over the coming days and report back if there are any further issues. But for now, it seems all is well.

    Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.


    Plugin Support wfmargaret


    Hi @barryseal,

    Awesome, I’m glad to hear scans are running now! Thank you for keeping me updated!

    I’ll leave this topic open for now, just in case. Please let me know if you continue to have any errors.


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