Ok guys, so here’s what I did to fix this problem. It’s honestly more of a rig, since I just recently starting moding wordpress.
– Backup your old wp-cron.php
make this your new wp-cron.php
$db = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $db);
$myQuery = "SELECT * FROM <code>wp_posts</code> WHERE <code>post_status</code>='future';";
$results = mysql_query($myQuery, $db) or die(mysql_error());
while($get = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_BOTH))
$pID = $get['ID'];
$pDATE = $get['post_date_gmt'];
$tNow = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$tSET = $get['post_status'];
$doQuery = "UPDATE <code>wp_posts</code> SET <code>post_status</code> = replace(<code>post_status</code>,'future','publish') WHERE <code>ID</code>='$pID'";
Then I inserted this into my wp-content/themes/theme-name/header.php
That way a check takes place every time a page is viewed to see if scheduled posts ought to be published.
Again, really rough.. but I hope it can serve as a starting point.
PS. Because I’m a nub, you may have to tweak around with the SQL Statement, since the tilde key serves as a markup tag, and I don’t know how to make it show up right ??