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  • I’ve put links in the Notes for each class

    @eggertz: is that your site? really nice!

    Same question here. Putting links in Notes doesn’t give the result above in link.

    You’re right John! It doesn’t work anymore. I use this plug-in version 2.0.5 on a site with a huge schedule and for many reasons I have not been upgrading. It’s a pity some of the features got lost in the 3. version Another nice one was to chose number of days to display. Hopefully they will come back ….

    Oh… I see.
    Let’s hope then, really a pity because this a incredibly useful plugin and probably the best in this sector out there.

    Is this your site?

    No. that is not mi site.
    If you’d like so see were I’ve used the plug-in: (the older version)
    and this one, were I’ve upgraded:

    Good job, but I find it much better with the old version!
    How did you do the alternate colors for each rows, not possible with new version?
    Also, at the second site I don’t get the qtips displaying in Chrome.

    The alternate colors are different class-rooms. Feature lost in the new version.
    I’ve tried the other site in Chrome on Windows 8 and the quips work …..
    Buy the way, i wrote a mail to the guys at Pulsar with a “wish-list” for the next version. Maybe you should do the same. I think they appreciate feedback. Even tough the surely are following this.

    Yes, the qtips seem to work but I get no text in them.
    Good idea to write to the plugin author but he seems to be disconnected since 2 months. I really wonder whether this plugin is still in development…

    here is a new hack for the plugin to link to a page instead of using the qtip. it’s based on the updated version of the plugin 2.8.2.

    1a. if we’ve just updated having used this hack:, then the links we want have automatically moved from notes (older version) in the body of the instuctors/classes (2.8.2 version)

    1b. if we are using the plugin for the first time then we fill in the body of each class/editor with the corresponding link we want to point to.

    2. Then edit wcs3_output.php in weekly-class-schedule/includes folder and replace:

    $class_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="#qtip" class="wcs3-qtip">' . $class->class_title . '</a>';
        $class_a .= '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' . $class->class_desc . '</span></span>';
        $instructor_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="#qtip" class="wcs3-qtip">' . $class->instructor_title . '</a>';
        $instructor_a .= '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' . $class->instructor_desc . '</span></span>';
        $location_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="#qtip" class="wcs3-qtip">' . $class->location_title . '</a>';
        $location_a .= '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' . $class->location_desc . '</span></span>';


    class_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="' + data.class_desc + '" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.class_title + '</a>';
    		// class_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.class_desc + '</span></span>';
    		instructor_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="' + data.instructor_desc + '" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.instructor_title + '</a>';
    		// instructor_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.instructor_desc + '</span></span>';
    		location_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="' + data.location_desc + '" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.location_title + '</a>';
    		// location_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.location_desc + '</span></span>';

    3. edit wcs3_common.js in weekly-class-schedule/js folder and replace:

    class_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="#qtip" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.class_title + '</a>';
    		class_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.class_desc + '</span></span>';
    		instructor_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="#qtip" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.instructor_title + '</a>';
    		instructor_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.instructor_desc + '</span></span>';
    		location_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="#qtip" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.location_title + '</a>';
    		location_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.location_desc + '</span></span>';


    class_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="' + data.class_desc + '" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.class_title + '</a>';
    		// class_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.class_desc + '</span></span>';
    		instructor_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="' + data.instructor_desc + '" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.instructor_title + '</a>';
    		// instructor_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.instructor_desc + '</span></span>';
    		location_a = '<span class="wcs3-qtip-box"><a href="' + data.location_desc + '" class="wcs3-qtip">' + data.location_title + '</a>';
    		// location_a += '<span class="wcs3-qtip-data">' + data.location_desc + '</span></span>';

    notes: we actually want to firstly omitt printing the “wcs3-qtip-data” span, so that qtip doesn’t come up at all, and secondly, we want to replace the href, from #qtip to the description, which hopefully contains the link-path we’ve filled in the body previously.

    hope it helps.

    ps. hack in action here

    Wow, thanks a lot for this! Your site looks really great!

    But your instructions are not very clear: are those edits working for current version 3.11 or only with older version?

    I never used this plugin before and only installed current version – may I edit as you suggest?


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