Scheduled Backups Failing with BackWPup
I’m having trouble with the BackWPup plugin. I’ve scheduled a backup to run daily at 1 AM, but it’s not working as expected. The backup only seems to run when I manually log into WordPress. I’ve checked the plugin settings and the cron jobs, but I can’t seem to find the issue. Can anyone help?
I am facing the same problem with the latest of Backwpup version 4.1.4. Please help. Thank you.
Thank you for reaching out.
Can you share the backup log file along with debug information from BackWPUp>Settings>Info? Please hide the domain information.
Best Regards,You mean this?
WordPress version: 6.6.2
BackWPup version: 4.1.4
PHP version: 7.4.33 (64bit)
MySQL version: 10.3.39-MariaDB
cURL version: 7.61.1
cURL SSL version: OpenSSL/1.1.1k
WP-Cron url: https://***.com/wp-cron.php
Server self connect: Not expected HTTP response:
Status-Code: 200
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 12:10:59 GMT
Server: Apache/2
Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
Upgrade: h2,h2c
Vary: User-Agent
Content-length: 0
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8Document root: /home/adst/domains/.com/private_html
Temp folder: /home/adst/domains/.com/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup/54ccef/temp/
Log folder: /home/adst/domains/.com/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup/54ccef/logs/
Server: Apache/2
Operating System: Linux
PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi
Current PHP user: adstar
Maximum execution time: 30 seconds
BackWPup maximum script execution time: 30 seconds
Alternative WP Cron: Off
Disabled WP Cron: Off
CHMOD Dir: 0755
Server Time: 12:10
Blog Time: 20:10
Blog Timezone: Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
Blog Time offset: 8 hours
Blog language: en-US
MySQL Client encoding: utf8
PHP Memory limit: 256M
WP memory limit: 40M
WP maximum memory limit: 256M
Memory in use: 4.00 MB
Disabled PHP Functions:: exec, system, passthru, shell_exec, proc_close, proc_open, dl, popen, show_source, posix_kill, posix_mkfifo, posix_getpwuid, posix_setpgid, posix_setsid, posix_setuid, posix_setgid, posix_seteuid, posix_setegid, posix_uname
Loaded PHP Extensions:: Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, bcmath, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, iconv, imagick, imap, intl, ionCube Loader, json, libxml, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, session, shmop, soap, sockets, sodium, sqlite3, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlibBackup log
[INFO] BackWPup 4.1.4; A project of WP Media
[INFO] WordPress 6.6.2 on https://***.com/
[INFO] Log Level: Normal
[INFO] BackWPup job: Daily Backup (Auto)
[INFO] Logfile is: backwpup_log_bf149b_2024-09-14_20-03-12.html
[INFO] Backup file is:
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:12] 1. Try to backup database …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:12] Connected to database ****_*** on localhost
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:12] Added database dump "***_***.sql" with 256.86 KB to backup file list
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:12] Database backup done!
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:12] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] Added "wp-config.php" to backup file list
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] 915 folders to backup.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] Check WP Export file …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] WP Export file is a valid WXR file.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] Added XML export "***.wordpress.2024-09-14.xml" with 16.44 KB to backup file list.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] Added plugin list file "***.pluginlist.2024-09-14.txt" with 890.00 B to backup file list.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] Added manifest.json file with 2.27 KB to backup file list.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:15] Compressing files as ZipArchive. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:40] Backup archive created.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:40] Archive size is 33.80 MB.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:40] 6890 Files with 99.18 MB in Archive.
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:41] 1. Trying to send backup file to S3 Service …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:41] Connected to S3 Bucket "**" in us-west-2
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:41] Checking for not aborted multipart Uploads …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:41] Starting upload to S3 Service …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:45] Backup transferred to***.com/2024-09-14_20-03-12_X5KMZ3***
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:46] 1. Trying to check database …
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:46] Database check done!
[14-Sep-2024 20:03:46] Job done in 34 seconds.Hello @elsoar,
Please share the backup log that contains the error: about why it is failing.
In the meantime, you can try below suggestions as I see WP memory limit is set low and alternate CRON is off:Please modify wp-config.php ( you can find this file in your root directory ), and before the line:
/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
add this line:
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
define(‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’ , true );
I look forward to your reply.
I see that backup is completed as per the log without any error still you can try the above suggestions.
Also, it is advisable to submit new thread for your issue, as it would cause confusion handling multiple cases in same thread.
Best Regards,Hi,
The same over here.
I made several checks, and here are my findings:
- The scheduled job is not run either using wpcron or easycron (with or without its settings checkbox to run wpcron)
- In all cases a log is not created, while runing the same job manually does create a log, so it is not a log mechanism issue
- If scheduling the job is done using easy cron, to a weekly schedule in time that a day of the week like today and a time that is the next 5 minutes interval from now – the job is not run, a log is not created and the next schedule is set to be per the schedulin schema (in my case, once a week at the set time), in the next week’s day and time, as if the job did run
- If scheduling the job is done using wpcron, to a weekly schedule in time that a day of the week like today and a time that is the next 5 minutes interval from now – the job is not run, a log is not created and the next schedule is set to be at… “01/01/1970 at 03:00 by WP-Cron”
Overall, something went awfully wrong in this version’s scheduling engine.
Please modify wp-config.php ( you can find this file in your root directory ), and before the line:
/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
add this line:
define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
define(‘ALTERNATE_WP_CRON’ , true );@eitanc Great work..
This reply was modified 2 months ago by
Hi @elsoar,
I apologize for the delay in the response.
Adding those codes should cause this issue, as it is just about raising the memory limit. You may report this to hosting support as 5xx error are mostly related to servers.
Can you please share the backup log that contains the error:? why it is failing?
Best Regards,[INFO] BackWPup 4.1.4; A project of WP Media
[INFO] WordPress 6.6.2 on https://xxxxxxxxxxx/
[INFO] Log Level: Normal
[INFO] BackWPup job: Job with ID 1
[INFO] Logfile is: backwpup_log_a8dd05_2024-09-30_03-47-37.html
[INFO] Backup file is:
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:37] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:37] 2 folders to backup.
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:37] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:37] Added manifest.json file with 1.75 KB to backup file list.
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:37] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:37] Compressing files as ZipArchive. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:40] Backup archive created.
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:40] Archive size is 94.68 MB.
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:40] 9 Files with 97.80 MB in Archive.
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:40] 1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:41] Authenticated with Dropbox of user: xxxxxxxxxxx
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:41] Uploading to Dropbox …
[30-Sep-2024 03:47:41] Beginning new file upload session
[30-Sep-2024 03:48:29] Finishing upload session with a total of 95 MB uploaded
[30-Sep-2024 03:48:31] Backup transferred to /
[30-Sep-2024 03:48:31] Job done in 54 seconds.Did you know! that this task was scheduled to run at 9 PM, but the plugin executed it at 03.47 AM the following day, as soon as I logged into the WordPress dashboard.
It seems that WordPress scheduling only functions when the admin is logged in.
As usual..
The recent version, 4.1.5, did not solve the issue. Even in this version’s release notes there is not mention of relevant solution.
I am sorry to say but it doesn’t look like there is a will by Backwpup to solve this fundamental problem.
Hello @elsoar,
In your case, the scheduled job is running, but at a different time? Or it still runs only when you are logged in?
Best Regards,Or it still runs only when you are logged in?
We’ve been more than clear about the problem. Your delayed and vague responses are not helpful. Please just tell us if you can fix it or not.
Thank you for your reply.
I have opened up an issue regarding this with our developers so they can investigate this.
I’ll get back once there is an update regarding this.
I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Best Regards,
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