Found a fix!
In the file:
Change line 121 and 122 to the following:
var startDate = new Date(settings.start.replace(‘ ‘, ‘T’));
var endDate = new Date(settings.end.replace(‘ ‘, ‘T’));
The iOS bug is due to the date string not being in a format specified to work with new Date on iOS. The only format in iOS’s ECMAScript specifications is a simplified version of ISO-8601. If we change the space to a T, it is in spec, and functions on iOS.
ECMAscript language specification
Javascript Date Invalid on iOS
note* if you’re still having issue on android, check to see if jquery is being properly loaded on the page, and that $ is functional as a caller for jquery. if not, replace the document.ready()
to utilize jQuery(document).ready()
instead of $(document).ready
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by