• Resolved emiliol



    I use CYAN Backup in several wordpress instances, and it’s a solid rock, it works like a charm.

    Unfortunately, It doesn’t work properly in a large site. We can make ad-hoc backups without any problem, resulting 850 MB files, but the scheduled backups on the same site never complete, they don’t appear in the backup list.

    I can’t see error logs (shared hosting, don’t allowed ?? ). Could you please help me?

    Thank you in advance.


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  • Thread Starter emiliol


    Remote storage is not enabled. I tryed but never get it working ??

    I see the last sentence in scheduled backup function is:

    $this->prune_backups( $options['prune']['number'] );

    Can I move it to the top of the function, before the backup executes?

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    You can but it probably won’t do anything as the backup hasn’t been created yet and therefore there is nothing to prune.

    Have you enabled e-mailing the log file?

    Do yo receive it?

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Try replacing the above function with the following:

    public function scheduled_backup() {
    		$remote_backuper = $this->remote_backuper();
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Starting backup" );
    		// Run the backup.
    		$result = $remote_backuper->wp_backup();
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Completed backup" );
    		// Get the options.
    		$options = (array)get_option($this->option_name);
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Starting next schedule" );
    		// Determine the next backup time.
    		$this->write_debug_log( "SCompleted next schedule" );
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Starting transfer" );
    		// Send the backup to remote storage.
    		$this->transfer_backups( $result['backup'], $options['remote'], 'schedule' );
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Completed transfer" );
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Starting pruning" );
    		// Prune existing backup files as per the options.
    		$this->prune_backups( $options['prune']['number'] );
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Completed pruning" );

    Run the scheduled backup and check your archive directory, there should be a debug.txt file in it, post the results.

    Thread Starter emiliol


    Yes, log e-mailing is enabled, and I receive it.

    I have edited the file, I will post here the log results asap.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter emiliol


    Hi Greg,

    There’s no debug.txt in archive directory. In fact, there’s no debug.txt in any subdirectory.

    Do I have to change the log location?:

    class CYANBackup {
            public  $plugin_name = 'CYAN Backup';
            public  $textdomain  = 'cyan-backup';
            private $plugin_basename, $plugin_dir, $plugin_file, $plugin_url;
            private $menu_base;
            private $option_name;
            private $admin_action;
    <strong>        private $debug_log = null;</strong>
            private $backup_page;
            private $option_page;
            private $about_page;
    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    No, it get auto created when the first write_debug_log() is called.

    It’s probably not getting written properly when the script terminates per-maturly and doesn’t close the file.

    Try this:

    public function scheduled_backup() {
    		$remote_backuper = $this->remote_backuper();
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Starting backup" );
    		// Run the backup.
    		$result = $remote_backuper->wp_backup();
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Completed backup" );
    		// Get the options.
    		$options = (array)get_option($this->option_name);
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Starting next schedule" );
    		// Determine the next backup time.
    		$this->write_debug_log( "SCompleted next schedule" );
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Starting transfer" );
    		// Send the backup to remote storage.
    		$this->transfer_backups( $result['backup'], $options['remote'], 'schedule' );
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Completed transfer" );
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Starting pruning" );
    		// Prune existing backup files as per the options.
    		$this->prune_backups( $options['prune']['number'] );
    		$this->write_debug_log( "Completed pruning" );
    Thread Starter emiliol


    I have edited the file, I will post here the log results asap.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter emiliol



    [2014-08-27 17:00:14] Starting backup
    [2014-08-27 17:02:30] Completed backup
    [2014-08-27 17:02:30] Starting next schedule
    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Try commenting out the following line:

    Thread Starter emiliol


    Done. I’ll post debug log asap. Thank you.

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