• Resolved jasemcnotty


    Hi Jay, all

    Does the scheduling/send later feature work?

    I’m not having any luck with it. I have the latest update (1.22?) with a few minor custom tweaks.. cosmetic mostly that affect the list builder which work fine.

    I’m on the email edit page I select “Send Later” from the first dropdown on the right, choose a date and time, then select a list and click the submit button below the list dropdown.

    I get the overlay saying sending to list, then it fades with no further message.

    The time specified comes and goes with no emails received (nor sent in the logs)

    I’ve played around with sending to lists or individual users, and set “Check Scheduled Emails Interval” set to 1 minute in the settings.

    I’m not using SMTP, just the core WP functionality (php mail function I assume)

    Any thoughts on what to check welcome.


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  • Plugin Support jaysupport


    Hi Jase,

    Do you have any activity on your site? I ask because the function that checks to see if there are any scheduled emails that need to be sent is triggered by an action on your site. So, if you have no activity on your site, either on the front end or in the admin, it’s possible that the email is correctly scheduled, but it’s just never checking to see if it should be sent.

    You can also check the EWD_UWPM_Scheduled_Emails option in your database. That is where the scheduled emails are stored. So, if you have data in that option, then you know the emails are correctly being scheduled.

    Thread Starter jasemcnotty


    Thanks for the reply Jay.

    Yes I’m familiar with the technique of activity-triggered queues to sort of simulate cron jobs. The site has a decent amount of activity on it. The front gets regular visits throughout the day, and there are 3 other admins besides myself tinkering on the backend.

    I checked the EWD_UWPM_Scheduled_Emails option value in the options table. This is what is in there at the moment (I’ve removed the actual email content).

    a:2:{i:4;a:2:{s:9:"send_time";s:16:"2023-06-14T17:58";s:6:"params";a:8:{s:8:"email_id";i:1099;s:11:"email_title";s:24:"Feedback and Suggestions";s:13:"email_content";s:3271:"
    <!-- redacted email_content (html) here -->	
    	";s:7:"list_id";i:7;s:9:"send_time";s:16:"2023-06-14T17:58";s:9:"send_type";s:4:"list";s:9:"interests";a:3:{s:15:"post_categories";a:0:{}s:15:"uwpm_categories";a:0:{}s:13:"wc_categories";a:0:{}}s:11:"woocommerce";a:5:{s:19:"previous_purchasers";s:5:"false";s:18:"product_purchasers";s:5:"false";s:20:"previous_wc_products";s:0:"";s:19:"category_purchasers";s:5:"false";s:22:"previous_wc_categories";s:0:"";}}}i:5;a:2:{s:9:"send_time";s:16:"2023-06-13T16:58";s:6:"params";a:8:{s:8:"email_id";i:1099;s:11:"email_title";s:24:"Feedback and Suggestions";s:13:"email_content";s:3271:"
    <!-- redacted email_content (html) here -->	

    This is a screenshot of other, maybe-related fields in the option table


    Plugin Support jaysupport


    Sorry for the delay.

    That looks correct. The content in there has a date and time, and there’s no reason it shouldn’t get triggered. If you check back on that option after the supposed send time, are those entries gone?

    Thread Starter jasemcnotty


    Hi Jay

    No worries, we’re all busy.. appreciate you replying.

    The scheduled times have passed. Checked the db, and the EWD_UWPM_Scheduled_Emails value is “empty” now… a:0:{}

    .. but no emails were sent, received or shown in the logs.

    There are loads of other emails being sent using the WP core and other plugins (including UWPM when sending immediately), so I don’t think that’s the issue.

    Could you suggest which files to check that handle both assigning the queue value and, more importantly, how the queue is triggered and what happens then?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Plugin Support jaysupport


    Thanks for getting back to me, Jase. It’s a good sign that the option is clearing. That means that the plugin is going through the correct motions to send the email(s).

    So something has to be interfering/conflicting.

    With that in mind, I think a better place to start might be enabling debugging in WordPress (https://www.ads-software.com/documentation/article/debugging-in-wordpress/). Then schedule another email and, when the time passes and the option has been cleared, check the debug logs. Look for one or more entries with “ultimate-wp-mail” in them, and please share it/them with us. This will hopefully give us a file and line number where it’s failing.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by jaysupport.
    Thread Starter jasemcnotty


    Hi Jay

    Sorry for the late reply, I’ve gotten round to doing some more testing with this in the last few days.

    I’ve made a completely new WP install (v6.2.2) on a different host (php v7.4) and different domain with the default theme and no plugins other than UWPM (the latest version v1.2.2, unmodified)

    I enabled debugging.

    I’m not using SMTP.

    I created 3 users with different email addresses, and added them to a new list.

    The results are these:

    I can send to any single user immediately
    I can send to a user list immediately
    I CAN schedule (send later) to any single user
    I can NOT schedule (send later) to a user list

    I also noticed that the date/time for scheduling is UTC, which means I need to subtract an hour manually to get the timezone I’m in (GMT+1)… but that’s a minor thing, I just bear it in mind when testing.

    The debug file showed a few things, but nothing that shouts critical error I don’t think:

    [18-Jul-2023 14:40:45 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: sms in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/includes/Notifications.class.php on line 754
    [18-Jul-2023 14:40:45 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: target in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/includes/Notifications.class.php on line 1047
    [18-Jul-2023 14:46:47 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: sms in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/includes/Notifications.class.php on line 754
    [18-Jul-2023 14:46:47 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: target in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/includes/Notifications.class.php on line 1047
    [18-Jul-2023 14:51:35 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 14:51:35 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 14:51:35 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 14:51:35 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 14:56:35 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: sms in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/includes/Notifications.class.php on line 754
    [18-Jul-2023 15:25:50 UTC] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: sms in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/includes/Notifications.class.php on line 754
    [18-Jul-2023 17:56:42 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 17:56:42 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 17:56:42 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 17:56:42 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 18:11:02 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 18:11:02 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 18:11:02 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 18:11:02 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 18:19:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 18:19:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 18:19:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'term_id' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176
    [18-Jul-2023 18:19:14 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'name' of non-object in /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ultimate-wp-mail/ewd-uwpm-templates/admin-send-mail.php on line 176

    The earlier sms reference is from the public function send_scheduled_emails(). I removed the condition for sms as I’m only testing the email side.

    When I did that, the scheduled time for a send passes, the EWD_UWPM_Scheduled_Emails field in the wp_options table is emptied, but no emails are sent and nothing at all is added to the debug file. It’s strange.

    I had a look at the EWD_UWPM_Scheduled_Emails value and compared it with the ewd-uwpm-email-lists value (in the options table), specifically the list id.

    The EWD_UWPM_Scheduled_Emails value contains this:


    ..and the ewd-uwpm-email-lists value contains this:

    s:2:”id”;s:1:”2″;s:4:”name”;s:8:”New List”

    Could it be that the script is getting mucked up with the variable types of the id reference being different?.. I’m assuming that’s what the s and i mean, for string and integer, or maybe the key names “id” and “list_id” being different?

    As I mentioned above, I can schedule sending to a single user fine, it’s just lists that are the problem for me at the moment.

    Sorry for the wall of text.. I’ll have another crack at figuring this out tomorrow and report back.

    Thread Starter jasemcnotty


    Hi Jay

    This wasn’t actually resolved, sorry if I clicked something to mark it “resolved”… BUT it is now! woohoo

    Just posting this if it might help someone else.

    I think there’s an error in the code of the following file:


    line: 730

    The send_scheduled_emails() function references the “email” array as a value in the foreach loop looking for a key that is nested in a deeper array (params) so the conditions for “list” and “all” sends will never be met.. it will always default to the “else”.

    eg: the condition for list send was:

    elseif ( array_key_exists( ‘send_type’, $email ) && $email[‘send_type’] == ‘list’ )

    it should be:

    elseif ( array_key_exists( ‘send_type’, $email[‘params’] ) && $email[‘params’][‘send_type’] == ‘list’ )

    I’ll post my rewritten function below. I’ve also added a bit to account for the timezone problem I was having. I’ve sure there’s better ways to write it, but works for me. (also make sure to set your timezone in WP->Settings->General)

    Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

    	public function send_scheduled_emails() {
    		$scheduled_emails = (array) get_option( 'EWD_UWPM_Scheduled_Emails' );
    		foreach ( $scheduled_emails as $key => $email ) {
    			if ( ! is_array( $email ) ) { unset( $scheduled_emails[ $key ] ); continue; }
    			$myTimezone = wp_timezone_string();
    			$currentTime = new DateTime();
    			$currentTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($myTimezone));
    			$currentTimeString = $currentTime->format('Y-m-d H:i');
    			$customchecktime = str_replace('T', ' ', $email['send_time']); // this should give a format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
    			if ( $customchecktime > $currentTimeString ) { continue; }
    			$message_format = get_post_type( $email['params']['email_id'] ) == EWD_UWPM_SMS_POST_TYPE ? 'sms' : 'email';
    			if ( array_key_exists( 'send_type', $email['params'] ) && $email['params']['send_type'] == 'all' ) {
    				if ( $sms ) { $this->sms_all_users( $email['params'] ); }
    				else { $this->email_all_users( $email['params'] ); }
    			elseif ( array_key_exists( 'send_type', $email['params'] ) && $email['params']['send_type'] == 'list' ) {
    				if ( $sms ) { $this->sms_user_list( $email['params'] ); }
    				else { $this->email_user_list( $email['params'] ); }
    			else {
    				if ( $sms ) { $this->sms_user( $email['params'] ); }
    				else {$this->email_user( $email['params'] ); }
    			unset( $scheduled_emails[ $key ] );
    		update_option( 'EWD_UWPM_Scheduled_Emails', $scheduled_emails );
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