• We just upgraded to the new WordPress yesterday. Now, every time we schedule posts, it deletes the video. We have to manually re-embed the video and publish the post. We typically schedule 10-15 posts a day, so we really need the scheduling function to work.

    Is anyone else having this problem?

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  • I had the same problem. The only way I could get the embeds to work with the scheduling was to just use the video’s URL. That worked, so far every time.

    However, with that in mind, you lose the ability to resize the playback format and add or delete YT parameters.

    Kinda sucks.

    Same here. All scheduled posts lose their embedded content. Not only YT same with Vimeo, soundcloud, bandcamp, etc.


    I’m gonna downgrade my WP, I guess… (https://etuts.org/manually-downgrade-wordpress/).

    Would t be a wise idea? Please help me out. I’m begging you ??



    The problem is very serious. In my site https://www.direttaradio.it I can’t schedule posts anymore cause iframes which contain banners don’t show and get cancelled. Nobody seem to care about the problem, which should affect a big part of publishers. Amazing…

    I don’t want to downgrade to 3.4.2 how can it be that no wp programmer shows up even just only to recognize the problem?

    Nobody seem to care about the problem

    Quite the reverse. This is a known issue that was documented in Trac as a bug within about 24 hours of WP 3.5’s release. So it should be fixed in 3.5.1.

    In the meantime, do not embed videos or other media in scheduled posts using <iframe></iframe> tags. If they are videos, use the bare url as recommended in Embeds.

    No, dude. You really need to DOWNGRADE. It’s easy and makes it all good just as it was before.

    The new WP sucks soooooo bad.



    My problem is not about videos but about ad banners so i don’t have alternatives. is there an approx date for the next version of wp?

    No idea, but I bet downgrading would solve your problems right away.

    My problem is not about videos but about ad banners so i don’t have alternatives

    The issue is actually to do with certain markup tags. You can see the ticket that has been raised for it here: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/22944



    Thank you Esmi, I will take a look there also, but it seems they don’t have a clue either up to now.

    What is that patch they linked?

    It’s a patch that will be added to a future version of WordPress. And fwiw, they do know what they’re doing. ??

    Same problem for us too on HeyUGuys. Like nonerkylie, we schedule 15-20 posts per day so having all our videos wiped out is a real pain.

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