• Hi there, just wondering if you will put an update for the widget in your next updates. Currently I use your plugin for Gaelic Games and its the only plugin available but it is ecxellent to use. When you go into the tables section, you can have the scores come up correctly for our sport i.e 2-21 to 1-07 but then on the front page it caluclates it (correctly) as 27 points to 10 points (1 + goal + 3 points). Will there be an update for the score to show up in the widget as 2-21 also?


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  • Hi there,

    I’ve just come across this excellent plugin as well and would love to use it but as dexleary says it shows the scores in a slightly wrong format for Gaelic Football. It shows the total (Goals+Points) but our normal way to display scores is like this, goals – points, e.g. 2-10 to 3-15

    I can’t program myself so I hope this mail hasn’t come across the wrong way, you have an excellent plugin and I’d really love to use it!!

    Kindest Regards,


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