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  • Oh don’t forget to hit “update file” too..haa.

    So, you’re using a Child Theme, but you’re editing code in the Parent Theme’s style.css file?

    Yes, any edits to the parent theme automatically reflect in the child theme. Using the child theme protects your work from updates to the theme that could disrupt it and your site.

    The idea behind a Child Theme is to make updates in a separate place from the Parent Theme so when the Parent Theme is updated, your changes don’t get overwritten.

    So any changes you make should be done in the Child Theme, not the Parent Theme.

    The CSS code I posted above should be pasted into the style.css file for your Child Theme. Also ensure that the Child Theme is the active theme on your blog/website (not the Parent Theme, but don’t delete the Parent Theme!)

    Caroline gave me this link which you might find helpful:

    (To reiterate Chip’s earlier point, if you want to remove that paragraph no matter what theme you’re using, your best bet would be to find or create a plugin that does so. My solution is a bit hacky, but I’m a CSS geek, not so much a programmer. :D) if there’s an update to parent scrappy then it will revert back…hmmm…okay well posting the little tid bit above you gave me into the child theme didn’t work…I tried posting yours Chip and that did work…thanks everyone!

    came back to update that while looking through my blog today it appears the code I entered from Chip above in fact did not work…I tried Sixhours again and that did work. Not sure if I did something wrong yesterday or what…who knows. Anyway I finally got it to work in the child theme.

    Hi! I’m new to wordpress and blogging. I have the scrappy theme and wanted to know if there is a way to spread the page out just a little bit in order to have less brown on the sides. I am not super tech-y, so I hope whatever I need to do isn’t too difficult. If so, it will stay as is. I don’t want to screw anything up! :o) Thanks for any assistance!

    @ness2289, you should start your own topic. Your issue is unrelated to the original poster’s.

    oops! sorry. Will do

    I love your Scrappy theme! How do you create the thin frame around the photos?

    Thank you i remove the code
    my wp blog name is

    `You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href=”” title=””> <abbr title=””> <acronym title=””> <b>
    <blockquote cite=””> <cite> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>)

    i want add over code place other text look like “Don’t use keyword here..”
    how can i add the text please help me admin

    [Moderator Note: Please post code or markup snippets between backticks or use the code button. As it stands, your code may now have been permanently damaged/corrupted by the forum’s parser.]

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