• Resolved Guillermo



    You have one error in the screen, the withe screen where is “SSL INSTALL FORM – ENTER YOUR EMAIL BELOW AND GENERATE SSL” cover the violet screen where are the buttons, “Debug Log FAQ Videos Free Support” I no can watch the buttons.
    You need down the withe screen or up the butons position

    Thank you for this plugin, I was lost, and thanks this I can use https
    I translate all to Argentina spanish 100% in gratitude.

    I just like recommend one message in the download page, open the files with notepad and copy the text content in the appropriate form certificate cPanel.
    I did not understand that at first!!

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  • Plugin Contributor SSL HTTPS Support


    Dear @guillermo77,

    Heartly thank you very much for helping with the translation of plugin!. You’re truly genius ?? Also, Thanks for reporting the button alignment issues and the note on download page, both of them definitely make much sense and we will be releasing the fix in upcoming release.

    Thread Starter Guillermo


    You are great! Thanks! ??

    Plugin Contributor SSL HTTPS Support


    Dear @guillermo77

    Hope you’re doing great!. You seem to have translation editor permissions, please approve the strings in waiting list.

    Also, if you have some free time to help with other Spanish translations, I definitely owe you a big treat ?? Maybe I could at least help with some of your WordPress development work.

    Thread Starter Guillermo


    Sorry, I no can help you more, I no are editor, I want, but they reject my submission, and also I no can translate in other countries for directives of the translation team.
    They rules, no my, sorry!

    You only need Spain, Mexico and Argentina, other countries really no are important.

    In any case I contact you vie email, but don’t worry, really I no need help in this moment and I will help if I can.

    Some feedback:

    Thanks for solve the problems with buttons alignment.
    I want advice you that the buttons only are showing in the first page WP Encryption, no the others pages, I dont no if that was your idea.

    In Force SSL via HTACCESS (Server level) maybe you can put one note for add it manually or in FAQ, that no work for me maybe because no was possible modify the file HTACCESS, I use force via wordpress and Work perfect!

    Just one idea, you can add one link for test the https, just open the site with https, because the first time you need edit the address and add the S. But really no is necessary, you force it and test. You can put that in “Test SSL Installation” or:
    You can put 7 click here test your website with https

    Login in your cPanel link in point 1 no work for me I use https://mipanel.ferozo.com/#/domain/ssl
    An I no use CABundle.crt file

    You can add in FAQ:
    Open the file CRT with notepad and copy the content in your panel in CRT
    Open the file PEM with notepad and copy the content in Private Key.

    One problem I found I donwload the certificates again for renew, I install all, and the force https turn off (disable). Check that please because you renew the certificate, but the force https turn off, you can loose visits.

    Your Pro plugin, need the passwords of cPanel? because I download another plugin and need the user and password for auto renew.

    You are very smart for make this plugin who save many money to users. (Is very complicated Let’s Encrypt page for make this manually for one normal user like me)

    Thank you!!


    I’m one of the LM for the Argentine team (es_AR). I would like to make clear one thing you @guillermo77 has said.

    What did you mean with the bellow sentence?:

    I no can translate in other countries for directives of the translation team.
    They rules, no my, sorry!

    No one from the Argentine team forbade you from translating for other Spanish teams (locales). That’s why I’m asking you to tell us who did it that. Otherwise, it seems we, the Argentine team have done it, and that’s not the case.

    On that note, in our conversations in other threads you opened, I established there’s nothing to do with the “they rules” you wrote here (I guess you wanted to say: ‘their rules’).

    You argued with the Spanish team — not ours — about decisions they took over your translation, and they’ve explained to you why they did it.

    Thread Starter Guillermo


    Ok @fifthtoe, me di cuenta que uso es espa?a, en vez de Argentina, (y creo que muchos hacen lo mismo) y cuando cambié algunos plugins no estaban traducidos o quizás se tenían que descargar las traducciones. Imagínate si nos uniéramos con México e hiciéramos (es-lat o es-americano) seguí insistiendo con eso, es un desperdicio de recursos. No hay problema, es verdad lo que decís.

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