• Wendy T


    I noticed that when the plugin is activated the screen options will not expand in wordpress so I cant select revisions, slugs, custom fields etc without first disabling the plugin, going back to the page select all the options I want and than re-enable the plugin. Note that the screen options does display when in the page list view just not on individual pages when in edit page mode.


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  • It must be a conflict of Bootstrap hidden class. Just head over assets folder of Xpert Accordion plugin. Open app.min.css. And find for the class .hidden{display:none !important}. Just remove the !important attribute from there. I bet it’ll work ?? Don’t forget to rate us. Let me know if anything wired happens again.

    Thread Starter Wendy T


    I gave that a try and it didn’t work ?? I removed it in both the .min and .css

    When in page list view I also noticed that the Bootstrap styles drop down appears on the left side of the page half hidden behind the side menu.

    Finally, when enabled my sidebar widgets also disappear. I tried with a different theme, (WordPress 2012) and I see the same issue. Any other ideas I could try?

    FYI the theme I am working on currently is academica and using the latest version of WordPress.

    Thread Starter Wendy T


    I should mentioned that only when the plugin
    Collapsing Categories is used in the sidebar is when the sidebar doesn’t display so those are probably related. If using the regular widgets with WordPress that seems to work.

    The screen options issue still exists when all plugins except accordian are deactivated.

    Thread Starter Wendy T


    One more thing, I installed your
    Xpert Tabs plugin just to test and the same thing actually happens with that one too.

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