• I don’t know if this has not already been discussed elsewhere, but wouldn’t it be a good idea if the Theme Manager can check each theme if a special Theme-Screenshot.png is present and display it next to the Theme Name for Extra Goodness?

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  • If someone wants to make the Theme Manager look like this, that would be a good thing.

    Thread Starter muffinboy


    Yes, something like that. Maybe the developers could write a quick guideline for theme developers. I don’t know exactly how the theming is going to be organised, but say:
    – if themes are going to go in a /themes/ directory, maybe each theme should go in its own subdirectory: /themes/theme1/ etc.
    – then, maybe, in the /themes/ directory each theme should drop its own theme1.cfg, theme2.cfg, etc. file that holds data about the theme, like a brief description, author and link to image.
    – then WP could check that directory for config files and display all the themes installed in the directory.

    And where are multiple style sheets off the same index file going to fit in ?

    Muffinboy: Themes do go in subdirectories under wp-content/themes. The theme data goes in a header at the top of the theme’s style.css. WP looks for a style.css in every directory under wp-content/themes. Whenever it finds one, a theme is born.
    Root, a theme can reference the template from another theme. If a theme does not provide an index.php alongside the stylesheet, the stylesheet header needs a “Template:” field which points to the theme directory containing the index.php required by the stylesheet. If someone is creating a Trident based style called, for example, Poseidon that is installed in
    wp-content/themes/poseidon/style.css, Poseidon’s style.css would need a “Template: trident” field in the header. This assumes the Trident theme is installed in wp-content/themes/trident.
    This, of course, could change.

    Poseidon? Heck ??

    I think most people would imagine that the index file would call the style sheet with the necessary variable and not the other way round with a lot of redirects.

    Yes, it’s counterintuitive if you’re used to working with stylesheets but don’t forget the importance of backwards compatibility. The majority of current WP ‘templates’ are stylesheets using the default index, and making stylesheets the basis of the theme system will make it easier to port them over.
    My main reservation is that this could be confusing to n0obs who will naturally think that calling the html from the CSS is usual practice, and then be confused when they dig deeper and find every tutorial on the net telling them it’s the other way around…

    Update: I have now got my 1.3 style switcher up and running a few minutes ago.
    All I can say is that although it did seem a** backwards to me it now makes perfect sense. For people who would like to experiment I will put out a download shortly. It is only right that I should add that now I have seen the mysterious thing running it looks very cool AFAICS. Style sheet designers should be really pleased with it.

    Thread Starter muffinboy


    Ah cool ??

    Now I need to start playing around with it – I quickly dropped the kubrick sample but it still pulls some of my stuff from the original theme. I assume my header, footer, etc. files need to be moved from the main directory…

    @rboren: what then is the import url for the stylesheet in the common index ?

    I am getting it down… sweeeeT!

    So am I. The file structure is a mess but mine is running – single index and multiple styles all controlled from admin. Hallelulah ??

    bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’) provides the stylesheet location. Look at wp-header.php. bloginfo(‘template_url’) provides the theme directory.

    I recently moved to the 1.3.1 alpha 5 beta, and nwo I am having a issues with my .css calls.
    I have all my stylesheets listed in a /styles directory. If there are images related, I have modded all the stylesheets to point to /images/(stylesheet name)/
    The problem (as I don’t understand it) is that the ‘stylesheet_url’, how do I redirect that so that it is pointing to the correct location in the header.php info so that it calls the right area for the comments (static and pop-up)…..
    I love wordpress, and have got about 40 clients that when the new version comes out I am upgrading them to it. So I am trying to figure it out ahead of time.
    The site is https://level13designs.us/blog/wordpress/

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