I actually can’t supply the exact information without creating a new Post. However it was in the section concerning Requests & Feedback. I asked if BreakSpace could be included as a QuickTag. I clicked on Post Message, and I received the error message. I was using Internet Explorer because I was debugging earlier, and it was configured to notify for every script error. Now I am aware that IE is not the browser of choice, but I personally find it accurate when identifying script errors.
Anyways, the error message window appeared with what appeared to be at least two lines identified, and a missing object. I was tired, so I failed to copy the error message. However I did notice that there was no script error when posting this time. So it is possible that there was an error caused by my connection, or the incoming traffic. I decided that I should mention it in the forum just in case it was an intermittent problem, since most browsers are disabled to notify for every script error.
Again, it could be just my system due to traffic and multiple running services and their corresponding technologies.