• Resolved Colin


    I have the same issue as a couple of others in this forum where the scroll works, but it just jumps and does not animate. I found that my theme did not in fact have the <?php wp_footer(); ?> code in the footer.php file, so I added it thinking all my problems would melt away, and still have the same issue.
    my site can be viewed at https://www.pantrydemo.com.php56-19.dfw3-1.websitetestlink.com/
    I will say there was an interesting note in the footer.php file that I didnt quite understand, perhaps you could? here is the footer.php code.

     * @package   Gantry 5 Theme
     * @author    RocketTheme https://www.rockettheme.com
     * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - 2015 RocketTheme, LLC
     * @license   GNU/GPLv2 and later
     * https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
    defined('ABSPATH') or die;
     * Third party plugins that hijack the theme will call wp_footer() to get the footer template.
     * We use this to end our output buffer (started in header.php) and render into the views/page-plugin.html.twig template.
    $timberContext = $GLOBALS['timberContext'];
    if (!isset($timberContext)) {
        throw new \Exception('Timber context not set in footer.');
    $timberContext['content'] = ob_get_contents();
    $templates = ['page-plugin.html.twig'];
    Timber::render($templates, $timberContext);


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  • Thread Starter Colin


    note: the scripts do appear to be loading according to the developer console.

    Plugin Author malihu


    I can see plugin’s files included in your page, so this part is fine.

    I cannot see the rel attribute in your menu items though… Have you added m_PageScroll2id value in XFN field in your menu items (as described in “Quick usage” in Description tab)?

    Thread Starter Colin


    Yes, I have. see screenshot

    Thread Starter Colin


    I wonder if its the new Gantry 5, they port the wordpress menu through its own menu manager and something could very well be conflicting with that. could you give me an example of how the code should look on the front end? is there a demo somewhere?

    Plugin Author malihu


    The anchor would simply be like:

    <a rel="m_PageScroll2id" href="#id" class="_mPS2id-h">link</a>

    and in your case, each menu item should be like (when inspected):

    <li class="g-menu-item g-menu-item-89 ...">
      <a class="g-menu-item-container _mPS2id-h" href="#about" rel="m_PageScroll2id">
        <span class="g-menu-item-content">...</span>

    Maybe they render the menu without taking into account the XFN field(?)
    In such case, you can always change plugin’s selector to match exactly your menu elements. For example, try adding the value below in “Selector(s)” field in plugin settings:

    .menu-item .g-menu-item-container[href*='#']

    The above should work for your menu links (“Home”, “About” etc.).

    To keep plugin’s default selector along with the custom one above, change the value to:

    a[rel='m_PageScroll2id'], .menu-item .g-menu-item-container[href*='#']

    Another way (without changing the selector) would be to use the “CSS Classes” field (instead of XFN) in your menu items with the value:


    Perhaps the menu classes work with their custom menu manager.


    Gantry Dev here – looks like we have a bug where the rel doesn’t get passed to the HTML output. Sorry about that. We’ll try to fix it ASAP.
    Thank you for your patience!


    Thread Starter Colin


    Thanks to both of you, I will try out the workarounds for now to see if I can get something working. Jakub, how often does the Gantry team release updates? This site is for a client and I would like to give them some sort of time frame, even if its super rough.


    We try to do bugfix releases every week, but when there’s a major functionallity on the plate it can take a little bit longer like with 5.3 where a Grav CMS will be added to be compatible with G5.



    Just wanted to add that this issue : https://github.com/gantry/gantry5/issues/1064 should be fixed now and you can test it by downloading a CI build from the gantry.org page.


    Thread Starter Colin


    downloaded, but still same issue. I did see the specific problem in the changelog as being fixed. but no dice. :/

    I even recreated the menu, and re-added it in gantry

    Thread Starter Colin


    nevermind, I spoke too soon, forgot to clear the cache! rookie mistake, works great, thanks! site seems to function just fine even though its a CI so ill just leave it on until the next update.

    Great! Glad it’s sorted! ??

    Plugin Author malihu


    Since everything works I’m just marking this as resolved.
    Thanks @gantry for the quick update ??

    I have the same issue on page: https://goo.gl/ICr4DE I want that when user click on arrow down icon, it would scroll smoothly. I’m using latest WordPress and Visual Composer.

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