Hey, no problem ??
I’ve just made some tests and if you can add some extra javascript in your theme/child theme, you could probably make it work without editing frontend.min.js
If you have time, try the following:
1. Undo the changes in frontend.min.js
2. Disable (uncheck) “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links” option in “Page scroll to id” settings.
3. Edit your theme/child theme footer.php and add the following script in a new line below wp_footer()
function (e.g. just before the closing body tag):
var doc=$(document),
$events=$("a[href*='#']").length ? $._data(doc[0],"events") : null;
for(var i=$events.click.length-1; i>=0; i--){
var handler=$events.click[i];
if(handler && handler.namespace != "mPS2id" && handler.selector === 'a[href*="#"]' ) handler.selector='a[href*="#"]:not(._mPS2id-h)';
Save footer.php and test your page.
If the above doesn’t work you can try changing the script to:
var doc=$(document),
$events=$("a[href*='#']").length ? $._data(doc[0],"events") : null;
for(var i=$events.click.length-1; i>=0; i--){
var handler=$events.click[i];
if(handler && handler.namespace != "mPS2id" && handler.selector === 'a[href*="#"]' ) doc.off("click",handler.handler);
Hope this helps
I appreciate any feedback ??