Hi Rob,
In order to provide unique “scroll offset” for the different animated elements, please follow the steps mentioned below for different methods:
METHOD 1: If you are using “Animate It!” button available in “TinyMCE” post editor.
1. While adding/editing any post, click on “Animate It” button.
2. In the popup, go to the options tab.
3. In there, if you set “Animate On” to scroll, you will get another input field to enter scroll offset unique to the animation you are creating.
METHOD 2: If you are using class generator from https://www.downloads.eleopard.in/class-generator-wordpress.html
1. Generate CSS classes as per your requirement. Remember to set “Scroll” to yes for “Animate On”.
2. While adding CSS classes to a DIV element, add another property eds_scroll_offset with the value of scroll offset as per the requirement. e.g.
<div class="animated flash duration1 eds-on-scroll" eds_scroll_offset="80">Content</div>
Please let us know if it helps.
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