Hello! I am facing more or less something similar to the above. here is my website.
I have installed the scroll id, and i have watched a youtube on how to configured it, meaning: i have created custom menu, copy the “id” of the location where i want the page to stop scrolling, and paste it along with my domain/#id… as the url. So, it worked immediately just fine, but like yesterday and today, once you press one of the top menu commands, instead of scrolling down to the location of the ID, it jumps there immediately. Meaning it doesn’t scroll, but rather moves REALLY fast at that location. Then….if i use the menu say for 2-3 minutes, the scroll ID works fine!
– why is it doing this?
Also, i know that by using scroll id in parralex theme, it changes the URL. im fine with it. BUT it should be changing the actual pages URL isnt? Meaning, when i open the Home page (by tapping on the “continue reading”) the pages opens just fine and the URL is correct.
To be noted, thats the second time im trying to use Scroll ID. the first time i got the same problems and i ended up removing it. Now, i install it the exact same way, and got the exact same problems.
I feel like its the W3 total Cache thats creating me this problems….since i troubled a lot until i configure it and till now i feel like im doing something wrong. BUT the fisrt time i installed the scrol ID and it didnt worked, i wasnt having the W3TC installed back then, hence the problem must rely elsewhere….
I have clue of coding…HTML, so i will be grateful for a step by step answer..
Much appreciated!