• Hello,

    Thank you for this plugin that is great.
    I am trying to see if I could use this plugin to search authors with the autocomplete and hotlink features (instead of showing a page of results which can be done with Relevanssi). The hotlink would link to the author archive page.

    Right now, the only way I have managed to simulate this is by searching categories which are set by default to each user with the “WordPress Default Category” plugin. The hotlink redirects to the category archive page.

    This is not optimal and I am wondering how complex would it be to add a setting to the plugin to allow author search.

    Thank you for you input.


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  • Plugin Author Gabe Shackle


    This is a good idea. I’ll look at adding that to the next feature release, thanks!

    Thread Starter yepecece


    Thanks for including that in your next release.
    Do you have an idea as of when the next version is going to be released.

    One more comment. How can I add a link to to a page (category list) at the end of the search result list?

    Thank you.

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