• Resolved brendakee


    I would like to center my logo on the page and get rid of the search bar. Apparently this css should do it, but it has not worked for me. The search bar still appears and the logo is off to the side. Any help very very much appreciated!!!

    #logo {
    float: none;
    text-align: center;
    #nav-search { display: none; } #navbar > .menu-container { width: 100%; }

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  • Hello,
    Hope you are well today.

    Please post your site link here so I can take a look for you.


    Thread Starter brendakee


    Hope you are well.

    Your logo is centered as far as I can tell. Try the below CSS to get rid of the search bar.

    /*Hide Search Button*/
    #searchform #searchsubmit {
    display: none;
    /*Hide Search Box*/
    #nav-search #s, #navbar ul li, #navbar ul li a {
    display: none;


    Please check this image. This shows the logo centered on the page.


    Thread Starter brendakee


    Thank you so much tech55541! The search bar is gone, but unfortunately the logo is still off center (at least on my large screen monitor). It has more space on the right side as compared to the left side. I do appreciate your help.

    Thread Starter brendakee


    Oops, my whole nav bar is gone now too…

    Theme Author Iceable


    Hi @brendakee. I just had a look at your site and could see two issues in your child theme’s stylesheet:

    – The code to center the logo is correct, but it is commented out in your stylesheet (the comment tag on the line above, “theme customization starts here” is not closed), this is why it doesn’t have any effect!
    – The CSS suggested by @tech55541 (thanks for helping by the way!) does hide the search bar, but it also hide the whole navbar because of the “#navbar ul li” and “#navbar ul li a” selectors.

    Please remove your whole CSS customization and replace it with just this fixed code and it should sort this out:

    /* =Theme customization starts here */
    #logo { float: none; text-align: center; }
    #nav-search { display: none; }

    Sorry, was not paying attention at all ??

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