Hey buddy!
You’re welcome! I had a hard time with this banner as well > <.
I did it the easy way so far as I’m not perfect in CSS. I gave you the code with some comments in english (as they are in mostly French!) (see all the stuff after my post)
Basically,I just add a display: none; so that when the screen is smaller, all the block of texts/buttons are still properly shown. I open to suggestion though!
Another thing, you might have seen that the title of the first box (H2) is bad too.. In fact, there’s a media queries changing the font-size to 120% over 768px. That’s quite awful after because you can’t fix the transparent background size properly… And you can’t create a code over this one (or maybe you can, but I’m still a newbie!).
Any suggestion here as well?
/*Position du bloc (rectangle positions*/
#bootstrap-slider .carousel-caption {
position: absolute;
top: 10%;
max-width: 30%;
/*Responsive: sous-titre pour voir le CTA correctement (remove the subtitle on smaller screens then the button itself) */
@media screen and (max-width: 900px) {
#bootstrap-slider .carousel-caption p {
display: none;
#bootstrap-slider .carousel-caption {
@media screen and (max-width: 620px) {
#bootstrap-slider .carousel-caption .button {
display: none;
/*Désactivation boutons slider (only if you have one image)*/
a.left.carousel-control,a.right.carousel-control {
display: none !important;