Hello Kharis,
I have the same problem as above Maddie. Following your suggestion I disabled following plugins: Max Buttons; Fast Secure Contact Form and Child Themify. Only active are now:Sydney Toolbox, Page Builder and SiteOrigin Widget Bundle.
For your information:
I must modify an existing large website based upon the theme Atahualpa built 5 years ago and hence not responsive. The present website should remain on line untill the new responsive one is operational.
In order to do so and to maintain all previous pages I first cloned the ‘old’ website.
On this clone the search facility does work. Then I installed Syney and after that I made a child theme. This child Syney theme is now operational, but lacks the search capability which I installed on the site bar of the blog.
Do you have any suggestion. It looks like that the problem is caused by the child theme, but no idea what is wrong there.
Question: does the search facility on your website workk with an iPhone?
The original website (and also the clone i made I mentioned above) do not work with my iPhone!