Here’s an update. I checked the SQL query that’s not showing results:
SELECT wp_em_events.post_id
LEFT JOIN wp_em_locations ON wp_em_locations.location_id=wp_em_events.location_id
WHERE (<code>recurrence</code>!=1 OR <code>recurrence</code> IS NULL)
AND ( event_start_date >= CAST('2014-12-05' AS DATE)
OR (event_end_date >= CAST('2014-12-05' AS DATE)
AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00'
AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))
AND location_country='US'
AND (wp_em_events.post_id IN
( SELECT object_id FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (28) )) AND (<code>event_status</code>=1) GROUP BY wp_em_events.post_id ORDER BY event_start_date ASC, event_start_time ASC, event_name ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0
Note that even though it is left joining to the Locations table, it is requiring that the Country is US. If I remove that part and run the query directly in my database, it returns the correct records.
Now, the question is how to prevent Events Manager from including that criteria. I tried removing the default country (US), but it didn’t help: Here are my location settings:
– Default location: none
– Default country: US
– Enable locations: yes
– Require locations: no
– Use dropdown for locations: no
– Enable location attributes: no
– Enable location custom fields: no
Any suggestions? If nothing else, can you tell me where to edit the SQL code?