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  • Although I can see the problem on your site, I’m not able to replicate it on my site.

    How are you setting events to no location? Are you checking This event does not have a physical location? Or something else?

    Thread Starter seeker286


    Sorry for the delayed response. Yes, I am checking “This event does not have a physical location.”

    Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot the problem?

    Do you have any custom Events Manager templates or custom code running? If so, can you test without those running?

    Testing with the default WordPress theme would be a good idea too – just in case there’s a problem with your theme.

    Thread Starter seeker286


    We’re using a Twenty Eleven child theme with no custom EM templates, etc.

    I temporarily deactivated all other plug-ins and switched to the 2011 theme, and the events with no location still weren’t displayed.

    Is there anything in the Events Manager settings that might affect this?

    There’s nothing that should be affecting this, let’s put it that way.

    Looks like you have Events page grouping set to Monthly under Events > Settings > Formatting > Events? If you switch it to None, does that make a difference?

    A bug was reported recently that only appeared when monthly grouping was activated, this may be another variation of that.

    Thread Starter seeker286


    I ungrouped the events, with no change.

    I do have this in the Default event list format:


    Could that cause a problem?

    Is that the complete Default event list format? I’m guessing there’s more, if there is can you post the whole lot?

    Thread Starter seeker286


    Here’s the full code:

    	<td style="padding-top:10px;margin:0; width:75px ">
    <a href="#_EVENTURL">#_EVENTIMAGE{75,75}</a></td>
    			<td style="vertical-align:top;">
    	<td style="vertical-align:top;">
                    {has_location}<i>#_LOCATIONNAME, #_LOCATIONTOWN #_LOCATIONSTATE</i>{/has_location}
    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    this works for me, do you have any caching plugins that can cause this? however, can I know what do you mean by 3.5.3 ?

    Thread Starter seeker286


    My mistake. We’re using EM 5.5.3.

    We do have WP Super Cache, but the problem persists even when I clear the cache, disable caching, and deactivate the plug-in.

    Would it be helpful to give you a full list of our plug-ins?

    I don’t think this would cause any problems, but here’s the EM-related code in our stylesheet:

    /* Events Manager */
    input.em-date-start, input.em-date-end {width: 60px;}
    h2, .h2 { font-size: 1.75em; line-height: 1.4em; margin-bottom: 0.375em; font-weight: 500; }
    div.ui-datepicker { z-index: 999 !important;}
    /*Add label before Events Manager search form*/
    div.em-search-wrapper:before {
    	content: 'Search for events:';
    	font-weight: bold;

    You’re right, that wouldn’t have any impact on this issue.

    What version of WordPress do you have?

    Thread Starter seeker286


    We’re running 3.9.1.

    Thread Starter seeker286


    Here’s an update. I checked the SQL query that’s not showing results:

    SELECT wp_em_events.post_id
    LEFT JOIN wp_em_locations ON wp_em_locations.location_id=wp_em_events.location_id
    WHERE (<code>recurrence</code>!=1 OR <code>recurrence</code> IS NULL)
    AND ( event_start_date >= CAST('2014-12-05' AS DATE)
    OR (event_end_date >= CAST('2014-12-05' AS DATE)
    AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00'
    AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))
    AND location_country='US'
    AND (wp_em_events.post_id IN
    ( SELECT object_id FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (28) )) AND (<code>event_status</code>=1) GROUP BY wp_em_events.post_id ORDER BY event_start_date ASC, event_start_time ASC, event_name ASC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0

    Note that even though it is left joining to the Locations table, it is requiring that the Country is US. If I remove that part and run the query directly in my database, it returns the correct records.

    Now, the question is how to prevent Events Manager from including that criteria. I tried removing the default country (US), but it didn’t help: Here are my location settings:
    – Default location: none
    – Default country: US
    – Enable locations: yes
    – Require locations: no
    – Use dropdown for locations: no
    – Enable location attributes: no
    – Enable location custom fields: no

    Any suggestions? If nothing else, can you tell me where to edit the SQL code?

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