• Resolved heatstroke


    Hi Helga,

    sorry to be the noisy one these days ??

    Is it possible to make this plugin search by multiple fields at the same time?

    I have a lot of users and I want it to search at least by first names and last names. This way, if I search for James, it will filter by first name. If a search for Bond… it will retrieve a list of users with last name Bond.

    Thank you a lot ??


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  • Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    Do you mean multiple search inputs? or 1 input that searches 2 meta fields? Either way, the answer is probably “yes, it’s possible.” But I don’t really have the answer, nor do I provide support on how to implement heavy customization of SUL.

    This gist might help: https://gist.github.com/helgatheviking/5943857

    As it sets up a search by a meta field… which you could use to add a second input. And the “mutiple custom user fields” section of the codex might help if you wish to query by two meta fields:

    Best of luck.

    Thread Starter heatstroke



    that would be one of the best features of the plugin, as nobody searches for usernames. People search for real names and surnames, no nicks.

    I tried the code you linked. It is the same es the one you posted in the FAQ section. It works when searching by one meta_key. The main problem for me is to use two meta_keys instead of one and make the search from one textfield.

    Anyway, I will keep trying it.

    Thank you ??

    Thread Starter heatstroke


    Hi people… 15 minutos later I did it. If someone needs the same, take note of this code. Now you can search by first name or last name in the same textfield.

    This is how I did it:


     * The Template for displaying Author Search
     * Override this template by copying it to yourtheme/simple-user-listing/search-author.php
    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly
    $search = ( get_query_var( 'first_name' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'first_name' )  : '';
    <div class="author-search">
    	<h2><?php _e('Search authors by name' ,'simple-user-listing');?></h2>
    		<form method="get" id="sul-searchform" action="<?php the_permalink() ?>">
    			<label for="as" class="assistive-text"><?php _e('Search' ,'simple-user-listing');?></label>
    			<input type="text" class="field" name="first_name" id="sul-s" placeholder="<?php _e('Search Authors' ,'simple-user-listing');?>" value="<?php echo $search; ?>"/>
    			<input type="submit" class="submit" id="sul-searchsubmit" value="<?php _e('Search Authors' ,'simple-user-listing');?>" />
    	if( $search ){ ?>
    		<h2 ><?php printf( __('Search Results for: %s' ,'simple-user-listing'), '<em>' . $search .'</em>' );?></h2>
    		<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php _e('Back To Author Listing' ,'simple-user-listing');?></a>
    	<?php } ?>
    </div><!-- .author-search -->


    // Switch the WP_User_Query args to a meta search
    function kia_meta_search( $args ){
      // this $_GET is the name field of the custom input in search-author.php
        $search = ( isset($_GET['first_name'])) ? sanitize_text_field($_GET['first_name']) : false ;
        if ( $search ){
            // if your shortcode has a 'role' parameter defined it will be maintained
            // unless you choose to unset the role parameter by uncommenting the following
            //  unset( $args['role'] );
    		$args = array(
    	'meta_query' => array(
    		'relation' => 'OR',
    			'key'     => 'last_name',
    			'value'   => $search,
    			'compare' => 'LIKE'
    			'key'     => 'first_name',
    			'value'   => $search,
    			'compare' => 'LIKE'
        return $args;
    add_filter('sul_user_query_args', 'kia_meta_search');
    // Register query var and whitelist with Simple User Listing
    function kia_search_vars( $vars ){
        $vars[] = 'first_name';
        return $vars;
    add_filter('sul_user_allowed_search_vars', 'kia_search_vars');

    Hope it helps ??

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    Thanks for sharing your results. FWIW, if you aren’t adding another search input, then you don’t really need to override search-author.php, just adjust the $_GET accordingly.

    I’ve heard that this would be slow for lots and lots of users, but it does probably make more sense than search by user login. That’s more of a limitation of WP and WP_User_Query than anything else though.

    In the future, I might add the ability to at least change the “search by” from the shortcode ( at least to the different types that are currently supported by WP_User_Query ). However, as with all my plugins at the moment, they aren’t really in “active” development, so I couldn’t predict when that would be.

    Thread Starter heatstroke


    True, no need to change the search-author.php file, just realised it.

    This may be slower, but it is very important to me. I tried to add one more meta_key, like description, but then it became much slower, so I left only the two, first_name and last_name.

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