Hi There @tijmensmit
I too am trying to accomplish this. I am very familiar with code and comfortable to make any changes..
My problem is with how exactly to reference the searched value/store name within the wpsl_sql and wpsl_sql_placeholder_values filters
no matter what i do the value of the wpsl-search-input input box does not seem to get included in the ajax data ($_GET or $placeholder_values) objects.
I have a custom dropdown created for search by name or search by location and an conditional statement to handle the two, but within the condition for “search by name” i will need to know what name they attempted to search within the wpsl-search-input input box to use in the query as a LIKE with wildcards, no?
Please advise on what i can do to solve this, any help would be greatly appreciated. I have scanned the code within the class-frontend.php to try to gain an understanding of the order of filters and how everything calls what but i cannot seem to scope out when the value of the wpsl-search-input is even used in the first place
maybe i need to make sure it is added to the transients from the $_GET object?
Thank you very much, i have a client who is waiting for this functionality very impatiently