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  • Plugin Support Peter


    ??Hi there,

    I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties you are facing.

    Would you mind sending us a screenshot of the GSC errors to better understand what is happening? This will ensure that we are able to offer you the best solution to get it sorted out. Thank you!

    Thread Starter Developer at EA


    These are the GSC Errors:

    and This is the screenshot of wordpress backend in which I have redirected the URLs but the link with storage URLs are not redirected you can see in the screendhot the link with blue tick has been redirected:

    Plugin Support Peter


    Thank you for the screenshots, they were helpful.

    What you are encountering is actually not an error, and neither caused by our plugin. We didn’t receive any other reports of such issues where Hide My WP Ghost was the cause since the plugin was created. Feel free to look through the support and review threads fo any such cases, but I can assure you that you won’t be able to find any.

    In order to put your mind at ease that this isn’t related to our plugin, you can disable it and take another look at GSC. You’ll notice that the status doesn’t change.

    As we also have Squirrly SEO, an active WordPress SEO plugin for over 10 years. When we made Hide MY WP Ghost we had the experience and know-how to ensure that it won’t interfere with the websites’ SEO in any way.

    To learn more about Crawled – currently not indexed status, I have searched for you on Google for some helpful resources.–gTjKg

    Regarding the redirects that didn’t work, can you please send us a screenshot of the setup you made for them on Hide My WP Ghost? Also, go to Change Paths > Level of Security and make a Frontend test, to ensure that the new paths are loading.

    Thread Starter Developer at EA


    You didn’t understand my point. The error being displayed is different, and I know how to fix it. The issue I’m facing is that I can’t redirect the URLs whose paths have changed, specifically the storage URLs. What do I need to do to redirect them? Please note that WordPress’s default URLs are redirecting properly, as shown in the screenshot I shared earlier. The blue URLs in the screenshot are redirecting without any issues because they follow the default WordPress path. However, the media URLs with changed paths are not redirecting. Please tell me what I need to do to fix this.

    Thread Starter Developer at EA


    I’m waiting for response, pls tell me how to resolve this issue. As I need to work on Google SC Errors as soon as possible. Thank you

    Plugin Support Peter


    My apologies for the late response, I wanted to double check this with our developer to ensure that you receive an accurate response.

    To redirect the URL you can use our other Squirrly SEO plugin.

    With the help of the Advanced Redirect Module.

    Try adding a Regex redirect:

    Check screenshot 1 and screenshot 2 for context.

    This solves the redirect per file and not per path.

    You can also use other plugins such as this one.

    Please keep in mind that there is no way to solve it with HMWP because it doesn’t have a redirect on the URL and this is something related to SEO as far as we understand. We are not in the field of redirects, however, this is how a redirect to the home page of an image would be solved.

    Thread Starter Developer at EA


    Thanks for your support. let me try the things that you have suggested for website. I will get back to you if face any error. pls don’t close this conversation.

    Thank you Peter

    Thread Starter Developer at EA


    I made the changes as per your suggestions but it is not working attched screenshot pls check. Using second suggested plugin:

    don’t want to use any other plugin as this was already used in the past have to export all urls on which I have to import on your squirrly seo plugin. which will take time. kindly provide the suggestion based on this plugin. thank you

    Plugin Support Peter


    Unfortunately, we cannot offer support for a plugin that is not ours, especially since the issue is not caused by HMWP Ghost or related to it.

    We’ll be more than happy to assist through Squirrly SEO, however, for the plugin Redirection we would recommend reaching out to the plugin author. This plugin was an alternative to Squirrly SEO which we used in the past, but giving support for it goes outside our support scope.

    We appreciate your understanding.

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