Search Feed
Very nice plugin. Thank you. It is working very well to pull my own twitter feed. However, is there an easy way to use this plugin to pull a feed based on a search keyword?
I extended this plugin so I could do a search which wasn’t restricted to a specific username.
in twitter-feed-for-developers.php I put this in
/* implement searchTweets */ function searchTweets($count = 20, $options = false) { $config['key'] = get_option('tdf_consumer_key'); $config['secret'] = get_option('tdf_consumer_secret'); $config['token'] = get_option('tdf_access_token'); $config['token_secret'] = get_option('tdf_access_token_secret'); $config['screenname'] = get_option('tdf_user_timeline'); $config['cache_expire'] = intval(get_option('tdf_cache_expire')); if ($config['cache_expire'] < 1) $config['cache_expire'] = 3600; $config['directory'] = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__); $obj = new StormTwitter($config); $res = $obj->searchTweets($count, $options); update_option('tdf_last_error',$obj->st_last_error); return $res; }
and in StormTwitter.class.php I add these 2
function searchTweets($count = 20,$options = false){ if ($count > 20) $count = 20; if ($count < 1) $count = 1; $default_options = array('trim_user'=>true, 'exclude_replies'=>true, 'include_rts'=>false); if ($options === false || !is_array($options)) { $options = $default_options; } else { $options = array_merge($default_options, $options); } $result = $this->checkValidCache("SEARCH",$options); error_log($result); if ($result !== false) { return $this->cropTweets($result,$count); } //If we're here, we need to load. $result = $this->oauthSearchTweets($options); if (isset($result['errors'])) { if (is_array($results) && isset($result['errors'][0]) && isset($result['errors'][0]['message'])) { $last_error = $result['errors'][0]['message']; } else { $last_error = $result['errors']; } return array('error'=>'Twitter said: '.$last_error); } else { return $this->cropTweets($result,$count); } } private function oauthSearchTweets($options){ $key = $this->defaults['key']; $secret = $this->defaults['secret']; $token = $this->defaults['token']; $token_secret = $this->defaults['token_secret']; $cachename = "SEARCH-".$this->getOptionsHash($options); $options = array_merge($options, array('count' => 20)); if (empty($key)) return array('error'=>'Missing Consumer Key - Check Settings'); if (empty($secret)) return array('error'=>'Missing Consumer Secret - Check Settings'); if (empty($token)) return array('error'=>'Missing Access Token - Check Settings'); if (empty($token_secret)) return array('error'=>'Missing Access Token Secret - Check Settings'); $connection = new TwitterOAuth($key, $secret, $token, $token_secret); $result = $connection->get('search/tweets', $options); if (is_file($this->getCacheLocation())) { $cache = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->getCacheLocation()),true); } if (!isset($result['errors'])) { $cache[$cachename]['time'] = time(); $cache[$cachename]['tweets'] = $result; $file = $this->getCacheLocation(); file_put_contents($file,json_encode($cache)); } else { if (is_array($results) && isset($result['errors'][0]) && isset($result['errors'][0]['message'])) { $last_error = '['.date('r').'] Twitter error: '.$result['errors'][0]['message']; $this->st_last_error = $last_error; } else { $last_error = '['.date('r').'] Twitter returned an invalid response. It is probably down.'; $this->st_last_error = $last_error; } } return $result; }
and then I used it like this:
$test = array("q"=>"%23Cambridge"); $res = searchTweets(20, $test);
I would like to submit it as a patch but if it works for you tell me and I will do so
Hi hendecasyllabic,
Very nice addition. Worked well for me.
Two points of feedback however:
searchTweets and getTweets in twitter-feed-for-developers.php are almost identical. So that can be written more efficient I guess.
And remove the line:
when the results are fine it returns an array, which will make this function give an error on E_ALL as error_log can only process strings.But again, nice work!
Hi hendecasyllabic,
Feel free to edit the code on github and add this then merge request to us and we’ll include this in the next release ??
I am trying to integrate your changes into the current plugin and I am not getting any results (nor errors). I have been using the example layout code as a starting point ( and I have tried changing the initial call from:
$tweets = getTweets(4, ‘twitteruser’, array(‘include_rts’=>true));
foreach($tweets as $tweet){
echo ‘<li class=”tweet”>’;
$tweets = searchTweets(4, array(‘q’=>’%23Cambridge’));
foreach($tweets as $tweet){
echo ‘<li class=”tweet”>’;
…etc.But no results are being displayed. Is there something that I am doing wrong or missing? I have implemented the changes to both twitter-feed-for-developers.php and StormTwitter.class.php and as I said I am not seeing any errors.
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