• Resolved fixer1


    Hi there,

    we’ve been running your plugin for some time now, but some translations (Dutch) don’t work. For instance the line ‘[Search – Front end] There are no services available for the period you selected.’ we’ve translated, but when selecting an unavailable date on the front end calendar, the original english text is shown. The same goes for the ‘Check in’ and ‘Check out’ text on the front end date selection drop down windows. In short: texts in text group ‘Search front’ do not seem to load.



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  • Plugin Author DOTonPAPER



    Find the file booking-system/assets/js/jquery.dop.frontend.BSPCalendar.js and change the text there.
    This translation issue will be fixed in the next update.

    If you have any problems, write at [email protected] to help.

    Thank you.

    German translation has the same problem. The Check in and Check out translation doesn’t work as well as all the fields for the front end contact information form.

    And the backend is not translated at all.

    Plugin Author DOTonPAPER


    Yes, the text for Check in and Check out can’t be translated for all languages.

    To translate the Contact form -> go to Forms -> select the language -> translate the text.

    You have to translate the plugin text, and the backend will be translated.

    Thank you.

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