Here is the code that you can use in your theme templates to put SEARCH on any location you want.
If you want to insert SEARCH in “Top Menu Bar”, you can just go to header.php file & find the MENU CODE and PASTE the following code above it.
<?php get_search_form(); ?>
Your SEARCH will be displayed at the frontend.
Another way to put CUSTOMIZED SEARCH in the header or wherever you want.This will help you to STYLE your SEARCH BUTTON, INPUTS boxes with CSS.
<form method=”get” class=”exampleClass” action=”‘ . get_bloginfo(‘home’) . ‘/”><p><input class=”text_input” type=”text” value=”Search text here…” name=”s” id=”s” /><input type=”submit” class=”anyClassName” id=”searchSubmit” value=”search” /></p></form>
NOTE: (If you want to use CUSTOM CSS in your theme.This is the RECOMMENDED way to do this.INSTALL custom CSS PLUGIN (I like My Custom CSS) to add custom CSS without any issue).
hope this helps…