• Resolved Tuppa


    Good day, excellent plugin and I know it takes allot to maintain and tweak these plugins so I want to say thank you for your hard work and dedication. I needed this plugin to assist my customers with searching tags for items and it works flawlessly. However, I am having a slight problem.
    I have many variable products on site for instance a Tommy Hilfiger Shirt that comes in 7 different colors. On my product shop page I have it set to display the variables as single product, as a result, you will see 7 images of the same shirt however each image is showing the shirt in different color. Prior to installing your plugin, if I type Tommy Shirt in the search bar it would show 7 results for that Tommy shirt in all of the seven colors displayed nice for my customers to select a particular color. After installing your plugin it only shows “I guess” the parent category thus the search result now only display one image of the tommy shirt rather than all 7 images of the shirts in the 7 different colors. When I deactivate your plugin it works but the I wont be able to search by tag, however with your plugin activated then I face that problem ?? Can you please assist, thanks in advance.

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  • Plugin Author Sumit Singh



    Thank you for valuable feedback! ??

    I am guessing this is because of product and variations are two different post types and in search WPES setting to to only products.

    I have released a new version of plugin with enhanced support for WC https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/wp-extended-search-2-0-beta-1/ please try that if this fixes the issue? You have to create a new search form or you can set the global option to search only WC products.


    Thread Starter Tuppa


    Unfortunately this new version didn’t work for me and I had to go back to the older version 1.31. I find that when I activated the same stuff I had activated in the old version 1.31 this new beta version didn’t return any search results even though I select the exact same options.

    Plugin Author Sumit Singh


    Not sure what is wrong, you don’t need to setup again with the new version.

    Anyway, you can use this filter to add variation post type https://wpes.secretsofgeeks.com/hooks#wpes_post_types I can provide full working code but this will not work if you are using WC search widget.

    Please let me know first are you using WC search widget or default search widget for search form?

    Thread Starter Tuppa


    I can use the default search widget from search form. Can you provide me with a code to show variations please

    Plugin Author Sumit Singh



    Please add this code to theme functions.php

     * Insert specific post type in the result return by get_post_types
    function wpes_post_types($post_types) {
    	$my_post_type = new stdClass();
    	$my_post_type->labels = new stdClass();
    	$my_post_type->labels->name = 'Product Variations'; // "Custom Post" is the name of post type.
    	$post_types['product_variation'] = $my_post_type; // "custom_post" is the slug of post type.
    	return $post_types;
    add_filter('wpes_post_types', 'wpes_post_types');

    Then go to WPES settings and select product variations then search using WP default search widget.


    Thread Starter Tuppa


    Thanks, I just added the code however when I do a search using WP default search, the parent category for the variations is still only being shown. Its not showing my variations as single products. But if I deactivate your plugin, it shows the variations as single product when I use WP default search… I know your probably asking why I won’t just use the WP default search without your plugin. The problem is when I use the WP default search without your plugin then my customers lose the ability to search products by tags… If I can get your plugin to also show the variations as single products via search like how WP default search does when your plugin is deactivated then that would be excellent.

    Plugin Author Sumit Singh


    Just adding the code will not work.
    After adding the code, please go to WPES settings and select the variations post type as I mentioned in previous reply.

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