• When I want to search for a specific topic or thread on this forum I don’t get filtered results: Therefore I cannot find answers to my questions: everytime I get hundreds of results that don’t match my search.

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  • While the search is not really perfect, but if you search only the forum you can get relatively good results.
    May I ask what were you searching for?

    Thread Starter Suyderman


    I was searching for <div /> problems.

    The reason is that when I write a log and do three or for enters for a larger piece of whitespace between the rules, the tiny MCe editor creates this <div /> codes and my blog is all getting messed up: the sidebar scrolls down all to the bottom of the page, underneath the last post and my header and footer get also out of place: they shift to the left and to the roght. Whne I remove these divs that tiny MCE created everything is fine.
    I know that I should use the p-tags, but I wonder why the tinyMCE makes such a mistake…..

    There are more questions and comments I have about the tinyMCe and using html-tags in general, there are lots of tags that the blog doesn’t support, like <pre> f.e.

    But first I want the search-function here clear so that I can get quick answers to my questions without having to post everything as new thread here….

    TinyMC is a crazy creature – if you know your way around basic html, I’d recommend to kill it ??

    <div /> is not a valid (=existing) tag, so not much chance to find anything about it. (It is something invented by tinymc)

    Even if you use the wysiwyg thing, don’t hit enter for “more space”. It will never happen but as you figured out: it will mess up your blog. You can hit enter 100x times but the space will not increase. Try to live with it…

    And a basic rule: if you use your own html tags – donb’t put them in the wysiwyg (tinymc). It doesn’t work. Disable it and you can use whatever fancy html tag you wish ??

    EDIT. so that I can get quick answers
    You are optimistic ?? Usually the answers are not coming quickly.

    Thread Starter Suyderman


    Thanks, I didn’t read your answer until now, I am still trying to find out how I can receive an e-mail when somebody replies to my question, haven’t found it yet.

    But I figured out how to make extra empty lines when I write a post:
    I simply use the p-tag and add: style=”margin-bottom: 1or2or3etcCMorPXorwhateveryouwant”

    That works just fine
    Thanks for your help!

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