• I’m using 2.7 at my weblog intheboatshed.net.

    I’m puzzled to find that some search terms seem to pull up many posts that so far as I can see do not appear on the posts in question. This obviously makes the search feature a lot less useful than it might be, given that I’ve got 800+ up waiting for someone to find them.

    To try some examples, see what happens when you put the girl’s name Ella in the search window, or skiff. It’s a puzzle…

    Is there anything I can do to make the search a bit more specific please? Is there a search plugin that anyone can recommend?



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  • heres a 2.7.1 blog searching for ella; sorry im not impressed.


    you’ll probably need to share your discovery a little better to get to the bottom of whatever youre seeing.

    This (with ella and skiff) is in some of your posts:

    <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="https://intheboatshed.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/ella-skiff-drawing-for-website.jpg" onclick="javascript:urchinTracker('/file/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/ella-skiff-drawing-for-website.jpg');"> </a></p>

    You could try this plugin to exclude/include certain pages from search results:


    Thread Starter gmatkin


    Iridiax – you’ve put your finger on the problem thanks!

    It seems that when I copy over the subscription button from one post to the next, I have often been carrying over other bits of code without knowing it.

    It looks like I’ve got some housekeeping to do, but at least it’s curable.


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