Hi Eyal!
Thanks for your reply and for your time.
I was thinking like a basic internal “analytics”: to a have a page in the dashboard back-end where the administrator could see a statistic of the searches.
Example :
Search term | user IP |member(*) | date
New York 5th Ave | 123.123.123 | Mr. Smith | 2015/1/1
Moscow | 456.456.456 | no-logged-in |2015/2/1
(*)Of course you have a value in “member only if the search was performed by a logged-in user.
I thought that by getting the Google API, Google was sharing these informations, but they only tell you the number of searchs…
Or maybe these informations are already available somewhere and it’s me who doesn’t know how to get them…
Sorry for my long reply, hope I was able to explain myself.
Thanks again!