You can do this by working a little with codes in the theme’s functions.php file and adding some style in the style.css
Add the below codes in the respective files and it will work for you. But I will suggest you to make the changes in a child theme, so as to preserve these changes even after updates.
In the functions.php file add the below code.
function add_search_box_to_menu( $items, $args ) {
if ( $args->theme_location == 'main' )
return $items . get_search_form();
return $items;
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_search_box_to_menu', 10, 2 );
The above adds search form to the main menu. I assume you have a menu selected in Appearance >> menus >> manage location
Now add the below styles to the child theme’s style.css
#main-navigation .search-form {
display: inline-flex;
position: absolute;
right: 40%;
#main-navigation .search-field {
margin: 8px 0 20px;
#main-navigation .search-submit {
margin: 0 0 20px 10px;
The above style worked for me, please adjust the position of the search form as per you menu items.
Hope it helps!