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  • Plugin Author TC.K


    No, it can’t.

    @tempera, you probably can write some simple code to search through a list of users without the need of a plugin. If you need help with that, let me know.

    Thread Starter Tempera



    Thank you for both answers!

    @respectyoda – thank you for your attention – My situation is like this:
    I use the plugin “User Tags” to create taxonomies for users and I tag users with the terms of those taxonomies.

    I need to create a search form on the homepage, with dropdowns of the terms of those taxonomies so that visitors will be able to choose the terms they want(for example if I have the taxonomies “City” and “Fruits”, a visitor coould choose “City A” and “Oranges” – pre-existent tags created by the admin) from the dropdowns and the search results should show only the users tagged with the terms “City A” + “Oranges”, with a link to their page.

    That’s why I thought I needed a plugin to handle this as it seems a bit complex.

    But all plugins that search&filter seem to not search through the user list or display user profiles as search results. (only posts, pages and custom post types…)

    In this situation, do you think it can still be done?
    Thank you,

    This will require understanding the WP_Query class/function.

    Thread Starter Tempera



    Thank you for getting back to me. I’ll read and try to understand this better to see if I can come up with a solution.

    It’s good to have a hint in this direction. ??
    Thank you,

    No problem! You are welcome! If you have any questions, let me know!

    Hi everyone. I have similar problem. I’m using Ultimate QPQSF and I have one filter based on Meta Field. This field is drop down type. I want to get users in Dropdown Options. How can I use php code there? Or Any other way to get WP users in this options?

    @elmaciaso, this plugin does not search through a list of users. You will have to use the WP_User_Query class/function.

    Thanks for qiuck reply @respectyoda.
    But can i use this WP_User_Query class inside the plugin? Instead of “option1::option1|option2::option2”? Or there is no way to get users automaticly in drop down filter on frontend?

    I wouldn’t recommend editing the plugin files directly.

    What are you trying to achieve with searching through a list of users? I need a better picture of what you are attempting to do so I can better help you.

    Basicly I want to filtering posts by author, post categories and other.
    In my Ultimate WPQSF I have added one filter in “Taxonomy” area and there I selecting “category” as “Taxonomy”. The categories are automaticly genereted in frontend dropdown option.
    And next I want to add filter in “Meta Field” area, to filtering by Meta Key “author” (which is selecting from users in each post). The problem is that in Meta Field filter, with dropdown type, I have to put dropdown options static in wp-admin. I wish to get there users list automaticly, generated by some class for example. Is it possible?

    You can easily filter posts by author, post categories, and so on using WP_Query.

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