• Currently using WP-Members to manage posts. The 55 word excerpt is used for the list of posts while secured information (e.g., Zoom link) is hidden beyond the 55 words. To see the full post, the user must be logged in. This is an elegant and simple way to provide preliminary security. It is not super secure, just effective.

    I realize that this may be a long shot, but it would be very useful to have this type of facility available to The Event Calendar (and likely other calendars).

    I have asked for this type of facility from The Events Calendar, with the hopes that something can/will be done.

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  • i use modern event calendar, & simply wrap the protected info inside shortcodes in the event description:

      are welcome to 
      <a href="ururlhere">
        attend virtually on Zoom</a>.
      <a href="/owners/login/?redirect_to=/events/board-meeting/">
        please log in</a> 
      to view virtual meeting link.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by airdrummer.
    Plugin Author Chad Butler


    I realize that this may be a long shot, but it would be very useful to have this type of facility available to The Event Calendar (and likely other calendars).

    Unfortunately, the plugin can’t handle TEC content the same way it handles a regular post. This is because of the way TEC applies content. Not all of it is in the main $content variable and is instead loaded from post meta.

    That doesn’t mean that TEC content can’t be blocked. But it can’t be handled with excerpts the same way that regular posts are handled. The suggestion above is a good alternative.

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