i’m seeing the same issue with version 3.3.0, trying to do the same thing. i have a non-multisite install of wordpress and i need to run the admin on a secure subdomain.
when i activate and set up the plugin with the secure subdomain specified and both SSL admin and exclusive SSL options checked, much works as expected. when i go to the login page and the admin panel, it all redirects to the secure subdomain (secure.wr-test.local). when i click the “visit site” link, i get re-directed to the non-secure main domain (wr-test.local).
[and btw, i was having trouble with the preview button sending me to a 404 as mentioned in several other threads and i was able to fix that issue by putting “preview=true” into the URL filters box]
here is what doesn’t work as expected:
after logging in and then clicking on the “visit site” link, while browsing the site on the main non-secure domain, there is no admin bar at the top (i.e. i am not logged in on the non-secure host).
i am using nginx to serve this site. i have two virtual hosts set up: wr-test.local is listening on port 80 and secure.wr-test.local is listening on port 443
here is the debug log (subdomain remains “No” after re-saving HTTPS settings):
[BEGIN WordPress HTTPS Debug Log]
Version: 3.3.0
HTTP URL: https://wr-test.local/
HTTPS URL: https://secure.wr-test.local/
SSL: Yes
Diff Host: Yes
Subdomain: No
Proxy: No