• Thank you for creating this plugin! Couple of things would make it awesome…

    The message showing the price doesn’t allow any HTML like a whats app link etc.

    So in cab-grid.php how about this change please? wp_kses_post is the sanitization/escaping for html in a form field…

    function cabGrid_sanitize_options_loose( $options ) { // called from register_settings in admin

    foreach ( $options as $key => &$value ) {

    //changed by Andy Moyle

    $value = wp_kses_post(stripslashes( $value ));


    return $options;


    also cab-grid-form.php line 13 would be better using wpautop instead of nl2br

    $cabGridMessage='<div class=”cabGridMessage”>’.wpautop($cabGridMessage).'</div>’;

    Lastly there is a horrific lack of esc_html() and esc_attr() to escape output

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