Hi there,
I’m sorry to let you know, but if you are creating the PHP file, you are the one creating the security issue. FVM is simply reading the files you have decided to enqueue “as” a js file.
FVM will trust the developers of other plugins and theme modifications as long as they follow the standard hooks api method of enqueueing the files… so it’s your responsibility not to trick the system into serving a PHP file, when the system expects it to be a text file only.
You must assume that any plugin will be able to read your js, css or html code directly (and not only plugins, but also malware exploits)… so you should never use php to generate js or css code and enqueue it.
This is true, not only because of security but also performance. Generating code that is supposed to be static (js, css) on every page load is wrong, not good practice.
If you must use that PHP file, you could run a cronjob calling that PHP file every few minutes (or call it manually once, when needed) and have it writing the generated output to a cache js file somewhere writable.
You could then have a timestamp on the database, tracking the last time you updated something on that generated code. You would then compare it with the filemtime
info for the cached js file, before rewriting it again (if newer).
You would then enqueue that js file only, not the php file, and you should have now done it the proper way.
Another alternative, would be to simply inline the code directly onto the html, by printing it inlined on the footer, instead of an external file.
FVM only detects the files that are enqueued using the wordpress hooks method and it expects it to not be PHP.
Therefore, it first tries to opens the js/css files directly because that is the fastest way to do it. If that fails, it will fallback to http… but as long as it can read the file, it will merge it.
If you cannot do any changes to your PHP script, then your other option is to exclude it via the ignore list to exclude it (use a partial file path and it will exclude any matching pattern).